Rat: 1. She looks JUST like a caucasian (no attractive and successful Africans do that, cause they look like, and here comes the suprise of the hour, attractive and successful Africans!!!), if you think she looks like an attractive and successful African then you need your eyes checked you blind motherfuckers, holy god damn shit..
2. VF5 proves she's no attractive and successful African once and for all, so you can all lay your wishes for smelly niggerdom behind you and accept the undeniable truth; Vanessa Lewis is white and tanned.
3. White people can easilly get that tanned when they spend a lot of time in the sun, so she is in no way "to dark" to be white, so her skincolor is not something you can use as proof for her being a smelly attractive and successful African, sorry attractive and successful Africans, looks like we whites win again. :P
Anonymous4: Rat you fucking tool.
Africans are the most diverse people on the planet ranging in looks more than anyone else.
They can and do look like that, just because you're a idiot bigot that has a legion of fags following them doesn't mean you're right about this.
You obviously do not know what you're talking about, and you really make your credibility on anything suffer when you spout out bullshit.
You win nothing because unlike the rest of the human race that try to get along, you're a pathetic sub-species that thinks for some odd reason they're better than everyone else.
Take a lesson from history, if you mass up to hate people for differences, especially false idiotic claims like yours...you will not prevail like your assumingly beloved nazi's.
Rat: I'm not racist, I just add racism cause retards like anon3/4 just can't accept the truth and don't deserve to be talked to with the same respact as normal human beings
simple as this: if you're a retard, I'll treat you like one
no one knows her origin and she looks to be white because in VF5 her skin is almost normal white unlike the previous games where it was much darkes, if she was in fact black her skin would stay dark permanently which is now not the case
it doesn't make it 100% certain that she's white but it DOES make it 100% certain that she's not black, she might still be a mongrel or whatever it's called with a multicolored family tree so her skincolor might be darker than the avarage caucasian
her facialfeatures and known background story also do not suggest in any way that she's black or is of black heritage, so there are literally no reasons to why anyone would think she's black, wishful thinking, biased opinions or whatever other reason you want her to be black for.
"attractive and successful African! attractive and successful African! LOOK, IT'S an attractive and successful African!"
Here's something shocking- Black chicks don't look like black chicks in animu. YOU WA SHOCK!
Psycho2332: Random Idea Does anyone have photo shop or anything? if so I wander if anyone will be willing to alter this pic to make her look like a space alien in a human desguise ((Give her stuff like cat ears or a tail of some sort or anteniee or something))
Anonymous15(4): nice try trying to casually back your way out of it rat, and another rediculous explination...
dude not everyone that is black came directly from africa, also if you look at the tribes not all of them look like your beloved stereotypes you live your life on
Krawczyk: Without racism, where would our best comedies be?
"Hold it! Next man makes a move, I'll shoot this here attractive and successful African dead!"
"o lawdy lawdy, he deshprit! Do what he saaaay!"
"You! Drop it! Or I'll blow this attractive and successful African's head all over town!"
"Oooh pah-leeeze, tis here crazy cracka really mean it! he'p me, he'p me, he'p me!"
"Don't make a move men! He's not bluffing!"
"Listen to him! He's just crazy enough to do it!"
Oh and as far as black chicks in animu. Japs are racist, so platinum or afro'd hair are the only indicators. Otherwise, they're ganguro and/or SE asian.
Krawczyk: Also:
>>And if said people are as ugly as you claim, there would be no breeding of them at all.
massively fail fallacy. Some people just have no standards, is all.
Why, you're arguing with one right now, mister "Your intended troll pics are actually very hot."
Anonymous16(4): So Krawczyk is saying all black people are ugly therefore everyone else is hot.
Even bigger fail, and with the amount of people having kids, your conclusion would have to be shot to all hell.
Clean comedy? I'll watch some fucking bill cosby or red skeleton.
Also, just like some people here are obviously discriminating people, some are not.
Japanese are no different. There have been plenty of black people in anime that did not have a fro or platnium hair. I don't feel like naming a shit load of names, but if enough bullshit gets spouted i'll go on a spree.
Anonymous17(4): Again idiot, remember not everyone that is dark skinned is from Africa, and there are different tribes, also big shock OMG A AREA WITH CARS AND BIG BUILDINGS AND CIVILIZATION OMG WOW.
Guess U.S.A's melting pot was all for survival.
Freaking idiot.
Krawczyk: I can't believe I never heard of that site. Excellent lulz.
/links.php is bork. 404 http://blackpeopleexist.org/ is fail.
/evidence.php is bork. 404 http://blackpeopleexist.org/ is fail.
fuck. No links work.
Are these the same guys that made "Friends of Black People?" The one with the hilariously backwards 1950s-esque yuppie couple?
Krawczyk: DJ, does it count if they're not chicks? Lawl, Psychic Force. Actually I think Gates Oltman's wife was, as Rat would put it, "white-looking" come to think of it. I can't seem to find a picture anywhere and I only have that OVA on VHS.
Luci_the_Lucky: You guys are hilarious. First it starts off as inquiring about a character's nationality, and then this.
Now, lemme settle this, in a brand new edition of Ask a Black Girl!
To answers the initial question by offering my opinion:
This character, Vanessa....
looks dark-skinned to me. That is it. No more, no less. There are no hard-on features that pinpoint her to a particular race, if anything, she looks multiracial...maybe. Other than that, she just has a dark complexion. The end.
Also, why are you guys even worried about the race of a character? Hot is hot. Case Closed.
Anonymous21(4): Mudkip, kindly go fuck yourself.
Krawczyk again, you failed to get it through your thick skull, not everyone is on welfare. If every black person was, you'd have a case. Did you even forget people NOT in the U.S.A?
You're so brain-washed it's not even funny.
And not every person has the same facial features, no matter what ethnicity you are.
Quit it, it's fucking annoying. It's like your IQ is shot to all hell so you keep spouting out the same bullshit you're programmed with.
Anonymous22(4): Krawczyk even if it is the same person it is the truth
you guys try to spout out every negative stereotype to prove your point but forget that people not only differ in looks but are individuals and do not act the same like its some genetic coding
Anonymous23(4): You guys do understand the statement about caucasians that are not mixed with the pigments to do so could not ever get that dark.
it doesnt work one way for another, and the other have no limits
dark skinned people can only get so light and light skinned people can only get so dark.
if you saw a white person this dark then they would have skin cancer are dressed up in blackface/ganguro or are not "white" purely which almost no one is these days
face it guys in the distant future is fuck heads that are close minded like some of you here do not destroy our world eventually we will all become close to looking the same do to so much breeding
Rat: not true, caucasians (that don't have any mix with any other colors in their family) can get that dark no problem, I worked out in the sun an entire summer a few years ago, everyone including me were that strongly tanned long before the summer was over
Rat: and yes, our nipples had gotten tanned too (we all worked full day our shifts out in the sun, all topless cause it was too warm to wear any excessive clothing) and she doesn't even have that dark nipples in this ("this" referring to an unofficial artowrk that can not be used as proof in any way about what she ACTUALLY looks like when she's naked)
Anonymous26(4): funny most caucasians get red with to much sun
tan =/= dark skin areola's only change in color so much and there is a limit to how dark someone can get, or how light they can get without chemical assistance.
Anonymous27(4): Pretty much, you can only get so dark. Hell it all depends on gene's. My friend from Norway only got a little darker in color before he started sun burning like all hell.
I have a ebony friend that doesn't get much darker in the sun, but when he stays indoors on his gaming fits he drops like 2 shades.
I have a white friend that definently has other ethnicities mixed in (btw if you're American, you probably do) and she can get fairly tanned, but has to upkeep it a lot. It also gets to a point where it looks funny because she's dirty blonde.
Krawczyk: Prove my point? I didn't have much of a point. God fucking damn anonymous is failing in this thread so hard the world IS going to end. AND YOU FUCKING CAUSED IT LIBTARDS
spoilarz: Actually we'll all be this colour because Islam would have beheaded you fucks and people like me will have already purchased land on the moon, paving the way for Einhander in real life. Mmm, arrr-ell shootan gaems.
also lmmfao at the collegiate ass saying I'M the one brainwashed. I left that facility when the gettin' was good, thank you, not that I spent all that much time there anyway.
I only had one point, some people have no standards when it comes to what they stick their wicket to. And that was proven by life before I even got here! In fact you are all continuing to prove it by continuing to say you personally would prefer Kalahari lookin' bitches to Assyrian, Egyptian, Ethiopian or any other of the far better less matriarichally backwards choices out there. IN JUST THAT CONTINENT ALONE.
Seriously. Man. This is like beating a bag of kittens with a sledge, and it's making me fap just as good. Picture? What picture? I'm killin' kittens over text now!
also also: La Mariposa Lisa is vastly superior. Kitten genocide!
Anonymous29(4): This is all funny, and how ignorant people can be.
1) Question was asked "Is she african american or just tanned?" (which is stupid btw, not every African is american and many euro/islander black people would take offense to that).
2) Rat makes a bold statment, confirming he knew what she was.
3) 1 anon questions it, and another outright makes a bold statment.
4) Rat pulls all the bullshit out of his ass, showing his ignorance, lack of knowledge and biased idiocy only a basment dweller at best could muster up that has been raped to all hell mentally.
5) An anon fights back with truth, but makes an assumption that another human is a sub-specials.
6) Rat isn't pretending
7) Anon saying he's a bigot etc.
8) Rat contradicting his statment it seems, then goes on another biased "truth", and then proceeds to say anyone who doesn't agree with him is not a nomral human.
9) More anon defense, comment by psycho..
10) Rat "ends" this and then tries to be polite about it at first, saying her skin would be permently dark if she was black (skin color can change in dark skinned people too, and if you look at her Vf5, she still could very much be black).
Then he says he's not 100% certain she's white, and says she's 100% not black.
Not only contradicting his statment that she was tanned, but ignoring the fact that dark skin only comes from one source: Mixing of Africans, which is why some Hispanics look more light skinned than dark, but generally have a lot of every blood in them.
11) Rat gets nailed over and over by comments, then Krawczyk makes a crude statment saying comedy needs racism to be funny, which is false.
His comment about Japanese being racists is like anything else, some are and some are not. Some japanese are, but some that do come off to be that way are just misinformed about other cultures and it's more of a fear, unlike people here that know truth but ignore it.
Krawczyk makes another claim saying some people have no standards, but that would mean not everyone would be that way, followed by a anon response challenging his previous comment with a hard proof (Red skeleton ftw).
12) Then some discussions how a disussion about skin color turned into technological prowless and facial features, which indeed to range from person to person.
13) Accusations, banter, link sharing etc.
14) Krawczyk makes another biased statment.
15) Anon 21 hit the nail on the head...
16) Skin coloran discussions!
18) Good discription on skin colors
19) Krawczyk tries to back himself up, making some comments...
(Btw, you're right about some people not having standards...if they go according to yours or someone else. Not everyone looks alike, no matter where you are in the world. The only thing you proved is that you still think like this:
Person from place A: All ugly regardless
Person from place B: All attractice regardless
Etc, it cannot be seen any other way because of the fact people differ in looks, you cannot say everyone is the same.
That was some good reading LOL. Also Rat? sweetie, don't talk in circles then change your opinions. It's not great for credibility....
Anonymous30: Japs's liek getting people with 'white' features and painting them brown deal with it. Similar to them giving people ridicolous hair colours imo.
Krawczyk: Yeah, from Boondocks A33. I dunno who he's saying is ruckus though. Prolly that cheese-eating surrender monkey Rat.
Also for 30, if you ask most japs, unless it's specifically stated that's exactly right. They tend to consider all their cast 'Japanese' unless the animu specifically mentions their place of birth, or it has to be outside of Japan for story reasons. Sorta like the animated equivalent of Hollywood but even less discerning.
Anonymous37: Hay Kraw if a Jap draws an attractive and successful African they really really make you know about it :P Teh nigra always gets the car tire lip treatment and a generic angry expression so I would say the girl is a typical Japanese anime char painted brown zomg zomg argument over...
P.S. blatant racism in Japanese cartoons ftw.
Krawczyk: That too. Obviously.
Kaolla Su: Non
Shinobu (NoMoreHeroes): Resembles the chick from Mushroom Samba, so Yea.
This might be due to their only exposure being 70's blaxploitation, USO minstrel shows from the 40's, George Foreman, Michael Jackson, and Bob Sapp.
Anonymous38(37): Yes something always seems obvious after someone else points it out... damn I feel like Sherlock Holmes here all of a sudden, how did I get so smart?
Anonymous42(37): Oh noes fuckowitzczyk can't handle getting pawned on the internets :'( Also: L2 differentiate between trolling and someone who's simply making a point. Everyone who kicks your ass on the internet isn't a troll you worthless cunt.
Krawczyk: y helo thar, butthurt libtard-who-should-die-a-fiery-death-but-i-will-content-myself-with-the-knowledge-suckup-manginas-like-you-have-no-kin, i have my naem back!
Anonymous43(37): Does posting copypasta and silly memes dreamt up by angst-ridden 13yr olds make you feel clever kraw? Maybe you would be better off in elementary school where your awesome copy and paste skills would be the envy of all your new friends :) Stealing stuff that some guy used a long time ago to far better effect than you is pathetic, in fact anon ALMOST feels sorry for you.
Psycho2332: basically what I am saying is I would fuck her brains out reguardless of what race she is ((Black white hispanic android alian terminator IT DOESNT MATTER))
Psycho2332: Anon 45 is right All can get thee oppertunity to be guroed *starts an equality song of some sort while standing by with the chainsaw of equality*
Krawczyk: Too bad 4 u mrpika!
hahaha! Excellent! You fell into my trap, anon Jian!
Now you shall feel the power of my maaaaaagic!
also Gremrat it seems the collegiate indoctrination is wearing off, more than two races, pshaw. Everyone knows whitey killed the only remaining race with infected blankets. Report thee to a reeducation center immediately!
Anonymous48: Goddamn I got halfway down and couldn't read anymore... you fuckers took the best Vanessa pic and ruined it with your pointless bickering. By the way, either:
Anonymous52: I said it once and I will say it again. Black people can have naturally blonde hair without being mixed. Here are two pic links. Hope you all see it.
Anonymous53: @Anonymous: Those are a specific group of pacific islanders with a unique set of genetics. They are not of african descent, at least not anymore so than the rest of humanity. Just sayin'
Anonymous54: VF may have a more realistic art style but it's still anime as hell in its roots. Vanessa has an American name and isn't pale as fuck, which is pretty much shorthand for "Black" for otaku and vidyagame stuff.
Mind you her hair and face are still referenced from Asian models because artists are kinda lazy that way, and it's ridiculously common in more cartoony designs to give dark skinned characters bright colored hair to make them stand out. It's the same reason Elena has white hair in Capcom games.
Anonymous55(54): It's pretty much the same reason the line of thought to convince the Japanese audience Tina was American was to put her in a cowboy outfit give her ginormous boobs and have her blonde. It's about the image of the character, not the realism.
Anonymous56(54): @Anonymous: Yeah pretty much ever character in this game is a bit of a visual stereotype. Most Texans aren't blonde, six feet tall or have huge tits but that's what Japanese nerds think of so they designed Tina that way. Don't worry too much about realism.
janucrio: The easy way to prove her african/caucasian origin is easy.
The nipples/genital/sensitive skin areas on african people is darker than the rest of their body(usually a heavy brown like treebark color)
However this caucasian girl is simply under the effect of heavy tanning cream and lying in the sun but she aint close to the real african deal yet.
Anonymous57: I like how you guys call rat racist even though your stereotyping and making biased statements against black people, along with associating them with the word attractive and successful African.
Feathery_Duck: @Kyosei: If it were an ordinary pic, it wouldn't have spiraled down into such a troll thread of erupting racism at light speed.
Quod a Rat demonstrandum. Ecks-Dee!
Feathery_Duck: @Farfegnugen: Piss off, Martian lover, that hot smurfette is mine, I sawed her first! I mean, I saw her fist. I mean, I fought her sheet. I mean... bah, schtroumpf it!
Anonymous58: it was funny enough to see "african american" in the first post, but the influx of pale skinned honkies mouthing their political opinions on an animu porn site is what makes it trully hilarious.
honkies gonna honk.
Krawczyk: I was just going to have the feature up for a day, but it STILL hasn't been changed yet. I'm going to see how long it takes for shit to get picked up by news somewhere. Apparently this was found two days ago at imgur as well. So we're on the third day of attractive and successful African Notoriety.
The-devils-advocate: Sweet child in time
You'll see the line
The line thats drawn between
The good and the bad
See the blind man
Shooting at the world
Bullets flying
Oh taking toll
And if you've been bad
Oh lord I bet you have
And you not been hit
Oh by flying lead
You better close your eyes
Oh you better bow your head
Wait for the ricochet.
drunkangel148: Ignoring the everything. Vanessa is unknown origin and had a much light skin tone in VF5 so she can be anything of course it doesn't matter since the image is quote nice.
Anonymous60: chinese fake site, the translation error of the chinese symbols for "dark brown" to "attractive and successful African brown" happened before.
Anonymous62: Sooooo much anti-racist reddit faggots here, omg, I did not expect this on this site... an attractive and successful African's an attractive and successful African, no matter if it's a racist word or not.
TheBigMansini: Ganguro is a pretty big thing in Japan, although Vanessa's appearance would be a mild example of such, similar to Elena from SF3...
The ethnicity is ambiguous in my mind. More than anything, characters of this design are an opportunity for the designers to play with more unique looks they feel are fappable, I doubt they could give a shit about a character's race.
Anonymous63: Do any of you read the wiki or do you just like jerk off to anything and love the chance to say attractive and successful African? She had dark soon before and light skin because she was trapped in cellar to be the new Durel. She lost her muscle and color for being down there for so long.
True reason is the delevopers white-wash her because (muh like the rest of you behind the screen racist) like lighter skin. They find it sexier no to mention not know many black people in Japan. She was meant to be black, but was white washed,
Anonymos: I can't believe that it took almost 50 anons and all that bickering bullshit to actually post the truth: Vanessa Lewis IS Brazilian.
Seriously, do none of you have this game? Screw all this "Africa" nonsense or "attractive and successful African" crap. She's straight up South American, or so it originally said. It's bizarre, her original VF4 bio claimed her to be Brazilian, but as of VF5, her origin (as well as most websites stating such) is "Unknown" Probably in part due to Sega's whitewashing attempt. I'm not sure why they felt the need to change her, but add that they refuse to let Americans play PSO2, and the idea becomes more likely that whatever the reason is might be racially motivated. Sega's always been terrible at background story when it comes to Virtua Fighter, anyways - There aren't even any endings when you beat the game.
But I'm sticking with the original, stating her as Brazilian. That's where she stands in my eyes. She's as White or Black as Tekken's Christie Montiero, and I don't see anyone debating so rediculously about her. Maybe it's the white hair....
......Oh, and it looks like Ralph Lauren caught on. "Brown" gets hundreds of results in their search engine, but "attractive and successful African" comes up empty.
Anonymos: Wait, scratch that. The image shown above about Ralph Lauren is NOT their official website. Seriously, Google "Ralph Lauren", and check the top result. Its official website address is not that of the image posted above.
It's now being speculated that the controversy is stemming from a Chinese imitator trying to rip off their site and the Ralph Lauren name.
Rat: @Anonymous:
1. I'm not retarded, I'm awesometistic.
2. I wish I was still a virgin because that means I would never have fucked your mom that drunken night many years ago, a memory I'd do anything to forget.
3. My neckbeard is hawt, don't be so jelly.
4. Why would I be upset about my attraction to drow women? Zhai from Forgotten Realms Demon Stone is hot, I'd never be upset lustin over that fine piece of ass.
5. How was any of what you said relevant to hot tanned white girls like Vanessa and the subject matter of whether or not they should be degraded to smelly attractive and successful African status just because they've got a tan?
meow-meow: wow damn... that samefagging. or same homosexual... ing.
i was going to write this before. but yea.
maybe before calling someone racist, or bashing them for it, YOU, the one reading this comment, should actually think of the reasons one might have such opinions for.
i didnt experience a person truly being racist against asians for example. maybe as a joke. why is that, you think?
im talking from experience when i say, there are truly too much black people a person could start hating the whole race for. and the ones who arent like that seem like the minority.
sorry if i offended anyone.
maybe if they didnt steal my mobile phone...
notanonymous: @Anonymos: Looking at the whois records for the screenshotted site and for the real Ralph Laurens, you're right. The us.com one is registered in China, the real one in Delaware.
notanonymous: @notanonymous: And it took me like 3 tries to get that posted, as it kept saying I was using banned terms. No idea why, but kinda annoying nonetheless.
Anonymos: I'm starting to think I was wrong about her being Brazilian. Can't find anything on that, simply being "Unknown". Where did I get Brazilian from, then? Probably some game magazine that didn't get their facts straight before the game came out or something.
She's still pretty hot, but the massive difference in skin color from VF4 to VF5 is really jarring. Are we really expected to believe that it was a tan? I suppose one would believe that Street Fighter's Birdie just had a bad cold in the first game, too.
Anonymous66: Reading this tête-à-tête makes my heart weep for the future. If any of you misanthropes had ever actually studied anthropology, you would've realized that there are only four races (caucasoid, mongoloid africoid, (or negroid) and australoid). And those designations are based on skull shape and bone structure, not skin colour. An excellent example of this are Indians. Some of them have quite dark skin, yet they're still classified as caucasoids. (By this I don't mean Native Americans, who are classified as mongoloids.) It's been proven that modern man originally came out of the African continent to replace the existing predominant species, Neanderthal. If you take a group from a hot, dry area and place them in a cold, damp location for 25,000 years, they will lose their adaptions for their old location and develop new ones to match their new locale. Simple genetics. No race is better or worse than any other. We're all human.
AnOniMouse: A normal, sexy, animu pinup feature?
Well this site's gone to shit, where's my wonky ms paint vomiting dick nipple gay features, or jesus raping politicians.
Such a shame guys.
Anonymous67: Hot stuff. I know it's not popular but I think muscular chicks are hot. I have seen beefy girls and their tits are so much more firm. Some boobs even seem to become perfect gravity defying orbs if they maintain the right amount of muscle and fat.
Dick_Chappy: One day, a Rat decided to draw a picture.
Rat drew a picture of a character that had dubious racial background. No one could tell if she was african or if she was a tanned caucasian.
Rat hates black people, so he said she was just a tanned white girl.
Most others said she was a black girl.
Rat got in a fight with most of the others, and started to lose.
The admins attempted to stop the fight, because their job required them to do so. Even the great Titanium chipped in! Rat and the others didn't listen.
All the sensible people, however, gave their willies a few tugs and moved along.
I wish I was a sensible person, but I could resist the urge to type out this comment.
The End.
Kyosei: @J-debs: +1000
I did search for that shirt on RL's website and they don't have it.
I've contacted them at their press email to know if they still had it and they told me that they never had that polo to begin with (also I'm impressed that they didn't care about the fact that I wasn't a journalist...)
Rat: @Dick_Chappy: I didn't draw this, a much more talented artist called Grand did.
If I had skills this good I'd draw and submit a lot more art than I do now.
My current art skills are in training and until I say they're good enough the most I'll submit to the internet will be random minor sketches and other crap to my blog.
@deathstriker: They say that on quiet nights you can hear faint fappin in the distance, some say it's just the wind, others say it's Rat having found an image he likes.
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2. VF5 proves she's no attractive and successful African once and for all, so you can all lay your wishes for smelly niggerdom behind you and accept the undeniable truth; Vanessa Lewis is white and tanned.
3. White people can easilly get that tanned when they spend a lot of time in the sun, so she is in no way "to dark" to be white, so her skincolor is not something you can use as proof for her being a smelly attractive and successful African, sorry attractive and successful Africans, looks like we whites win again. :P
Africans are the most diverse people on the planet ranging in looks more than anyone else.
They can and do look like that, just because you're a idiot bigot that has a legion of fags following them doesn't mean you're right about this.
You obviously do not know what you're talking about, and you really make your credibility on anything suffer when you spout out bullshit.
You win nothing because unlike the rest of the human race that try to get along, you're a pathetic sub-species that thinks for some odd reason they're better than everyone else.
Take a lesson from history, if you mass up to hate people for differences, especially false idiotic claims like yours...you will not prevail like your assumingly beloved nazi's.
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fact still stands, she IS white
But you're a fucking bigot.
Your endless idiocy spouting out, I can usually ignore but I could not ignore this.
- Reply
simple as this: if you're a retard, I'll treat you like one
You spout out false, biased claims and then push them forward as truth? What type of a moron are you? You're just about as blind as a rat also.
seriously though cant we all just hate EVERYONE reguardless of age,sex,race,religion, or sexual orintation?
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no one knows her origin and she looks to be white because in VF5 her skin is almost normal white unlike the previous games where it was much darkes, if she was in fact black her skin would stay dark permanently which is now not the case
it doesn't make it 100% certain that she's white but it DOES make it 100% certain that she's not black, she might still be a mongrel or whatever it's called with a multicolored family tree so her skincolor might be darker than the avarage caucasian
her facialfeatures and known background story also do not suggest in any way that she's black or is of black heritage, so there are literally no reasons to why anyone would think she's black, wishful thinking, biased opinions or whatever other reason you want her to be black for.
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"attractive and successful African! attractive and successful African! LOOK, IT'S an attractive and successful African!"
Here's something shocking- Black chicks don't look like black chicks in animu. YOU WA SHOCK!
although yes if she was really a space alien in a human desguise that would be incredably hot
- Reply
If a white person has it, rat probably is fine with it.
But just to let you know Rat, she could be mixed since you know a lot of that is going around these days.
And if said people are as ugly as you claim, there would be no breeding of them at all.
Anon7: Neither do any other humans. Unless you're going by the art style of something like Monster.
Oh wait-
Go look around, there are plenty of brown black people, some are also very light.
Most diverse people in the planet in looks and you still some how hold on to your idiotic logic.
Get out more dude. Mabye JUST mabye leave the computer.
dude not everyone that is black came directly from africa, also if you look at the tribes not all of them look like your beloved stereotypes you live your life on
- Reply
"Hold it! Next man makes a move, I'll shoot this here attractive and successful African dead!"
"o lawdy lawdy, he deshprit! Do what he saaaay!"
"You! Drop it! Or I'll blow this attractive and successful African's head all over town!"
"Oooh pah-leeeze, tis here crazy cracka really mean it! he'p me, he'p me, he'p me!"
"Don't make a move men! He's not bluffing!"
"Listen to him! He's just crazy enough to do it!"
Oh and as far as black chicks in animu. Japs are racist, so platinum or afro'd hair are the only indicators. Otherwise, they're ganguro and/or SE asian.
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>>And if said people are as ugly as you claim, there would be no breeding of them at all.
massively fail fallacy. Some people just have no standards, is all.
Why, you're arguing with one right now, mister "Your intended troll pics are actually very hot."
Even bigger fail, and with the amount of people having kids, your conclusion would have to be shot to all hell.
Clean comedy? I'll watch some fucking bill cosby or red skeleton.
Also, just like some people here are obviously discriminating people, some are not.
Japanese are no different. There have been plenty of black people in anime that did not have a fro or platnium hair. I don't feel like naming a shit load of names, but if enough bullshit gets spouted i'll go on a spree.
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And keep in mind this same area you're reffing believes sex with virgins cures aids.
Guess U.S.A's melting pot was all for survival.
Freaking idiot.
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/links.php is bork. 404 http://blackpeopleexist.org/ is fail.
/evidence.php is bork. 404 http://blackpeopleexist.org/ is fail.
fuck. No links work.
Are these the same guys that made "Friends of Black People?" The one with the hilariously backwards 1950s-esque yuppie couple?
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Also, I haven't watched one anime with a black person that doesn't have hueg lips. Screw you, anime!
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In fact if the amount of animal rights groups in Wales is any indication...
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And rat, I love you. I want to carry your rat children.
Now, lemme settle this, in a brand new edition of Ask a Black Girl!
To answers the initial question by offering my opinion:
This character, Vanessa....
looks dark-skinned to me. That is it. No more, no less. There are no hard-on features that pinpoint her to a particular race, if anything, she looks multiracial...maybe. Other than that, she just has a dark complexion. The end.
Also, why are you guys even worried about the race of a character? Hot is hot. Case Closed.
Also, fags.
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lol innit cute, look at him flail feebly defending an even now downspiraling society of welfare sluts.
Krawczyk again, you failed to get it through your thick skull, not everyone is on welfare. If every black person was, you'd have a case. Did you even forget people NOT in the U.S.A?
You're so brain-washed it's not even funny.
And not every person has the same facial features, no matter what ethnicity you are.
Quit it, it's fucking annoying. It's like your IQ is shot to all hell so you keep spouting out the same bullshit you're programmed with.
you guys try to spout out every negative stereotype to prove your point but forget that people not only differ in looks but are individuals and do not act the same like its some genetic coding
it doesnt work one way for another, and the other have no limits
dark skinned people can only get so light and light skinned people can only get so dark.
if you saw a white person this dark then they would have skin cancer are dressed up in blackface/ganguro or are not "white" purely which almost no one is these days
face it guys in the distant future is fuck heads that are close minded like some of you here do not destroy our world eventually we will all become close to looking the same do to so much breeding
guess i should get over my hang ups
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tan =/= dark skin areola's only change in color so much and there is a limit to how dark someone can get, or how light they can get without chemical assistance.
I have a ebony friend that doesn't get much darker in the sun, but when he stays indoors on his gaming fits he drops like 2 shades.
I have a white friend that definently has other ethnicities mixed in (btw if you're American, you probably do) and she can get fairly tanned, but has to upkeep it a lot. It also gets to a point where it looks funny because she's dirty blonde.
Norwegian friend hardly having any variation as many scandinavians do, but that is changing as well.
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spoilarz: Actually we'll all be this colour because Islam would have beheaded you fucks and people like me will have already purchased land on the moon, paving the way for Einhander in real life. Mmm, arrr-ell shootan gaems.
also lmmfao at the collegiate ass saying I'M the one brainwashed. I left that facility when the gettin' was good, thank you, not that I spent all that much time there anyway.
I only had one point, some people have no standards when it comes to what they stick their wicket to. And that was proven by life before I even got here! In fact you are all continuing to prove it by continuing to say you personally would prefer Kalahari lookin' bitches to Assyrian, Egyptian, Ethiopian or any other of the far better less matriarichally backwards choices out there. IN JUST THAT CONTINENT ALONE.
Seriously. Man. This is like beating a bag of kittens with a sledge, and it's making me fap just as good. Picture? What picture? I'm killin' kittens over text now!
also also: La Mariposa Lisa is vastly superior. Kitten genocide!
1) Question was asked "Is she african american or just tanned?" (which is stupid btw, not every African is american and many euro/islander black people would take offense to that).
2) Rat makes a bold statment, confirming he knew what she was.
3) 1 anon questions it, and another outright makes a bold statment.
4) Rat pulls all the bullshit out of his ass, showing his ignorance, lack of knowledge and biased idiocy only a basment dweller at best could muster up that has been raped to all hell mentally.
5) An anon fights back with truth, but makes an assumption that another human is a sub-specials.
6) Rat isn't pretending
7) Anon saying he's a bigot etc.
8) Rat contradicting his statment it seems, then goes on another biased "truth", and then proceeds to say anyone who doesn't agree with him is not a nomral human.
9) More anon defense, comment by psycho..
10) Rat "ends" this and then tries to be polite about it at first, saying her skin would be permently dark if she was black (skin color can change in dark skinned people too, and if you look at her Vf5, she still could very much be black).
Then he says he's not 100% certain she's white, and says she's 100% not black.
Not only contradicting his statment that she was tanned, but ignoring the fact that dark skin only comes from one source: Mixing of Africans, which is why some Hispanics look more light skinned than dark, but generally have a lot of every blood in them.
11) Rat gets nailed over and over by comments, then Krawczyk makes a crude statment saying comedy needs racism to be funny, which is false.
His comment about Japanese being racists is like anything else, some are and some are not. Some japanese are, but some that do come off to be that way are just misinformed about other cultures and it's more of a fear, unlike people here that know truth but ignore it.
Krawczyk makes another claim saying some people have no standards, but that would mean not everyone would be that way, followed by a anon response challenging his previous comment with a hard proof (Red skeleton ftw).
12) Then some discussions how a disussion about skin color turned into technological prowless and facial features, which indeed to range from person to person.
13) Accusations, banter, link sharing etc.
14) Krawczyk makes another biased statment.
15) Anon 21 hit the nail on the head...
16) Skin coloran discussions!
18) Good discription on skin colors
19) Krawczyk tries to back himself up, making some comments...
(Btw, you're right about some people not having standards...if they go according to yours or someone else. Not everyone looks alike, no matter where you are in the world. The only thing you proved is that you still think like this:
Person from place A: All ugly regardless
Person from place B: All attractice regardless
Etc, it cannot be seen any other way because of the fact people differ in looks, you cannot say everyone is the same.
That was some good reading LOL. Also Rat? sweetie, don't talk in circles then change your opinions. It's not great for credibility....
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...I don't even know how to troll that, now he's doing it to himself.
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Also for 30, if you ask most japs, unless it's specifically stated that's exactly right. They tend to consider all their cast 'Japanese' unless the animu specifically mentions their place of birth, or it has to be outside of Japan for story reasons. Sorta like the animated equivalent of Hollywood but even less discerning.
Okay. Ehmm, bye!
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P.S. blatant racism in Japanese cartoons ftw.
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Kaolla Su: Non
Shinobu (NoMoreHeroes): Resembles the chick from Mushroom Samba, so Yea.
This might be due to their only exposure being 70's blaxploitation, USO minstrel shows from the 40's, George Foreman, Michael Jackson, and Bob Sapp.
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Boo no new dramallama from falsely ejumacated anons though.
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temp name until mine works again.
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She looks Hispanic to me.
eather that or an alian using holographic technology to look human
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((So basically it doesnt matter in that factor eather))
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hahaha! Excellent! You fell into my trap, anon Jian!
Now you shall feel the power of my maaaaaagic!
also Gremrat it seems the collegiate indoctrination is wearing off, more than two races, pshaw. Everyone knows whitey killed the only remaining race with infected blankets. Report thee to a reeducation center immediately!
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1) She is mixed race
2) She is Michael Jackson
take your pick
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Mind you her hair and face are still referenced from Asian models because artists are kinda lazy that way, and it's ridiculously common in more cartoony designs to give dark skinned characters bright colored hair to make them stand out. It's the same reason Elena has white hair in Capcom games.
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The nipples/genital/sensitive skin areas on african people is darker than the rest of their body(usually a heavy brown like treebark color)
However this caucasian girl is simply under the effect of heavy tanning cream and lying in the sun but she aint close to the real african deal yet.
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... Oh wait, the tint is off on my screen.
It's pretty normal rule 34 ...
Too normal to be featured...
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Well that sucks!
There should have 2 featured things on the website : featured pictures and featured comments
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Quod a Rat demonstrandum. Ecks-Dee!
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honkies gonna honk.
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You'll see the line
The line thats drawn between
The good and the bad
See the blind man
Shooting at the world
Bullets flying
Oh taking toll
And if you've been bad
Oh lord I bet you have
And you not been hit
Oh by flying lead
You better close your eyes
Oh you better bow your head
Wait for the ricochet.
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The ethnicity is ambiguous in my mind. More than anything, characters of this design are an opportunity for the designers to play with more unique looks they feel are fappable, I doubt they could give a shit about a character's race.
True reason is the delevopers white-wash her because (muh like the rest of you behind the screen racist) like lighter skin. They find it sexier no to mention not know many black people in Japan. She was meant to be black, but was white washed,
Seriously, do none of you have this game? Screw all this "Africa" nonsense or "attractive and successful African" crap. She's straight up South American, or so it originally said. It's bizarre, her original VF4 bio claimed her to be Brazilian, but as of VF5, her origin (as well as most websites stating such) is "Unknown" Probably in part due to Sega's whitewashing attempt. I'm not sure why they felt the need to change her, but add that they refuse to let Americans play PSO2, and the idea becomes more likely that whatever the reason is might be racially motivated. Sega's always been terrible at background story when it comes to Virtua Fighter, anyways - There aren't even any endings when you beat the game.
But I'm sticking with the original, stating her as Brazilian. That's where she stands in my eyes. She's as White or Black as Tekken's Christie Montiero, and I don't see anyone debating so rediculously about her. Maybe it's the white hair....
......Oh, and it looks like Ralph Lauren caught on. "Brown" gets hundreds of results in their search engine, but "attractive and successful African" comes up empty.
It's now being speculated that the controversy is stemming from a Chinese imitator trying to rip off their site and the Ralph Lauren name.
Goddamn you're all a bunch of thickheaded fucking attractive and successful Africans.
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1. I'm not retarded, I'm awesometistic.
2. I wish I was still a virgin because that means I would never have fucked your mom that drunken night many years ago, a memory I'd do anything to forget.
3. My neckbeard is hawt, don't be so jelly.
4. Why would I be upset about my attraction to drow women? Zhai from Forgotten Realms Demon Stone is hot, I'd never be upset lustin over that fine piece of ass.
5. How was any of what you said relevant to hot tanned white girls like Vanessa and the subject matter of whether or not they should be degraded to smelly attractive and successful African status just because they've got a tan?
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i was going to write this before. but yea.
maybe before calling someone racist, or bashing them for it, YOU, the one reading this comment, should actually think of the reasons one might have such opinions for.
i didnt experience a person truly being racist against asians for example. maybe as a joke. why is that, you think?
im talking from experience when i say, there are truly too much black people a person could start hating the whole race for. and the ones who arent like that seem like the minority.
sorry if i offended anyone.
maybe if they didnt steal my mobile phone...
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I have VF4 and VF4 Evo, neither of the two say anything of the like, not in the manuals nor in-game.
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She's still pretty hot, but the massive difference in skin color from VF4 to VF5 is really jarring. Are we really expected to believe that it was a tan? I suppose one would believe that Street Fighter's Birdie just had a bad cold in the first game, too.
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Well this site's gone to shit, where's my wonky ms paint vomiting dick nipple gay features, or jesus raping politicians.
Such a shame guys.
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Rat drew a picture of a character that had dubious racial background. No one could tell if she was african or if she was a tanned caucasian.
Rat hates black people, so he said she was just a tanned white girl.
Most others said she was a black girl.
Rat got in a fight with most of the others, and started to lose.
The admins attempted to stop the fight, because their job required them to do so. Even the great Titanium chipped in! Rat and the others didn't listen.
All the sensible people, however, gave their willies a few tugs and moved along.
I wish I was a sensible person, but I could resist the urge to type out this comment.
The End.
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was she a personal family friend, too?
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Wouldnt surprise me if he claims lauren bacall as a personal family trainer
I did search for that shirt on RL's website and they don't have it.
I've contacted them at their press email to know if they still had it and they told me that they never had that polo to begin with (also I'm impressed that they didn't care about the fact that I wasn't a journalist...)
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If I had skills this good I'd draw and submit a lot more art than I do now.
My current art skills are in training and until I say they're good enough the most I'll submit to the internet will be random minor sketches and other crap to my blog.
@deathstriker: They say that on quiet nights you can hear faint fappin in the distance, some say it's just the wind, others say it's Rat having found an image he likes.
...shes in haven now making the angels laugh...
@vanessa_lewis GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY attractive and successful African