Seikuri: Why do dogs lick themselfs? because they can :D
btw...I feel there not enough Deku Plant x Link pics :B
How a bout roottentacles lift Link from the ground and above the plants open mouth...
*weird thoughts go away plz*
phayul: Hmm... I dont want to have you overloaded with requests, but i just got the best idea :3 can you do Groose eating Link out? (yea, i have this wierd butt-hole fetish xD) like, licking his hole?
Anonymous2: @RockGaara I would have a mini heart-attack if you could do one of Eagus from SS :) i would love to see him uncut if that wouldn't be too much!
RockGaara: Anonymous2, please, send a link to a pic of this character. I really hate how they changed the names for characters in the Spanish version, so I got to learn the English names of some of them, but I'm afraid I don't know this one... D: if you can, it's ok, I'll Google it some later. And it's ok, I'm being pretty fast sketching, it just takes me a while to ink, sorry.
Knockers: You know something, the world needs more Kafei :D Could you do one of an older Kafei with TP Link, with Link sucking on one of Kafei's nipples while gently cupping his balls?
RockGaara: Guys, thanks a lot for your suggestions, I'm very inspired so don't let this end. I just hope you are patient because I'm slow at inking, it's an old injury that won't heal so, when it hurts, I have to stop... D: But don't worry, I'm being careful.
Thanos6: Hmm, how about one where Link's cock and balls have gotten really big, like impossibly big; he's obviously very happy, while Zelda or Sheik or someone else, clearly unimpressed, says "THIS is what you wished on the Triforce for?"
But if you don't like that idea, then how about one where he's just getting his ass kneaded and massaged and he's clearly loving every minute of it?
RockGaara: I like the second one, but the first... Never been into any kind of macro stuff, sorry.. I'm still experimenting with my art, give me time. :)
Thanos6: Hey, no worries. Just having them done makes me happy. But if impossibly big isn't your thing, then how about "still big but within possibility" big? But don't let me bug you if you just don't want to do it, I'd hate to be a bother.
RockGaara: It's ok, it's perfectly understable that you ask for things you like, we just need to find something we both like. ^_^ Which normally is hard... O.OBut we'll keep trying, right? ;)
RockGaara: Yes, not my thing. Sorry for not being clear. With this... 'theme', let's call it', yes, only yaoi/slash. Sadly, there aren't interesting enough female characters in Zelda games. My opionion. I love Midna, but I really have a problem with Link: he's TOO gay in my eyes. But again, we have Ghirahim, who I really dislike and can't draw... XD But here I am drawing him because of the many requests... And in no way I'll draw Zelda. I totally dislike her since Ocarina of Time... but I'll be drawing an Impa x Zelda from SS for the upcoming Mangacon here... O.OUU So, just say what you have in mind, I'm not strictly ruled by my tastes! XD
RockGaara: I don't upload anything on Rule34. It's like... a way to know what people likes from my gallery and what not... or what they think it's so monstruos to show here too... ^_^U
And I'd be uploading stuff on Y!Gallery and FurAffinity if it wasn't because they are dead at the moment... :s
Knockers: I'm so glad that you enjoy our love and suggestions, RockGaara :3 I'm trying so hard to not bombard you with suggestions, but I've got so many ideas that I love that are really rare or not done at all ^^;
I'll make one last one for a bit, until you get caught up with the others: a pic that has original LoZ Link, ALttP Link, OoT older Link, TP Link, and SS Link together. Whether or not they're being sexual or just snuggling is up to you :3 And maybe have Soul Calibur II Link in there as well, I LOVE how he looks in that.
Knockers: Link is so acrobatic and flexible, this is nothing for him. He probably spends many a lonely night on his adventures in this position, both as training and for pleasure.
Anonymous5: That's our Hero of Time, folks! Whenever he runs out of LonLon Milk, he takes an alternative path.
Screw playing Epona's Song for cows, Link's got his own built-in milk maker! ^////^
Hey, Link. Save some of that Hylian milk for me! *drools*
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btw...I feel there not enough Deku Plant x Link pics :B
How a bout roottentacles lift Link from the ground and above the plants open mouth...
*weird thoughts go away plz*
*drools myself unconscious* X3~
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he's the knight commander
Keep suggesting, please! <3
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But if you don't like that idea, then how about one where he's just getting his ass kneaded and massaged and he's clearly loving every minute of it?
Whichever you do (or both! :D ) thanks a lot.
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And this is probably a stupid question, but I'm guessing you only do yaoi?
And I'd be uploading stuff on Y!Gallery and FurAffinity if it wasn't because they are dead at the moment... :s
I'll make one last one for a bit, until you get caught up with the others: a pic that has original LoZ Link, ALttP Link, OoT older Link, TP Link, and SS Link together. Whether or not they're being sexual or just snuggling is up to you :3 And maybe have Soul Calibur II Link in there as well, I LOVE how he looks in that.
that's a good way to break your back xD
Screw playing Epona's Song for cows, Link's got his own built-in milk maker! ^////^
Hey, Link. Save some of that Hylian milk for me! *drools*