Anonymous4: I would prefer it without the blood, just Temari. So now, I am going to try to find that, instead of bitching about how this is disgusting.
Most likely not, the top one is through her left lung and probably into her heart, The other is in her lower intestines and going up into her left kidney and possibly into the stomach.
Going through that many important organs and by the size of the knives she'd be dead in roughly 5-8 minutes.
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You're human garbage, just realize that for me and it's all good.
Just kill yourself and get over with it, worthless trash!
>I hope he dies! He should really kill himself.
Now I know you people are all 12 and think the world centers around you but... I forgot where I was going with that...
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Personally this would be hotter then hell without the blood, but I'll still commend you for excellent work done on this.
-To anybody flipping their shit about this-
Why did you click on the thumbnail then? You knew she was going to be stabbed :/
Most likely not, the top one is through her left lung and probably into her heart, The other is in her lower intestines and going up into her left kidney and possibly into the stomach.
Going through that many important organs and by the size of the knives she'd be dead in roughly 5-8 minutes.
whether you can finish by then is up to you.
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