posted4you: We need more characters to be put through the Feminizer (patent pending). It doesn't remove the dick, but it softens the skin and muscles, and enhances the curves. Oh yeah, and makes them into RAGING bisexuals.
posted4you: No no no NO no no no.... The raging bisexuality of the Feminizer is one of its deliberate designs! What's the use of feminizing a young man if he doesn't like getting a dick stuck up his butt? :D
RockGaara: Well, Anon3, the thing is this one isn't CDI Link... And I didn't comment as I disliked it, just surprised with it since everything is so acurate.
Hah, who cares about brown eyes when this is so greatly drawn? Sadly, not my cup of tea. ;)
posted4you: Another of the many features of the Feminizer is the "apparent" youth restoration design. Having soft, caressable skin is a staple of youth. The Feminizer, in stores soon. :D
Anonymous5: Love how "bisexual" people have to convince themselves something is feminized and that's why they're getting off on other males. You like it because you're faggots for Link, not because there's some special female-like quality involved.
Anonymous6: is one of my favorite URLs.
I consider myself bisexual.
I also like this picture.
tl;dr stfu above
Anonymous9: @posted4you: hell yes. i'm loving this "feminizer" lots of huge muscles turn me off completely. and i love curves. a good example of what you mean i think. if only his cock was in the picture
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Hah, who cares about brown eyes when this is so greatly drawn? Sadly, not my cup of tea. ;)
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I consider myself bisexual.
I also like this picture.
tl;dr stfu above