Anonymous1: oh, wow - I've only seen double-Linkcest before, never three! and as always, so much love with how much fun your subjects are having! +1 million hearts!
RockGaara: Phayul, It's supposed to be also in perspective, pointing backwards and downward... But I guess I failed. ^_^U As said: I need practice and to improve.
RockGaara: I'll take note, Anon2, but it'll have to wait. I'm busy with comic pages at the moment... But a good thing is that some pages will be for a Groose x Link comic, at least good for me. ;)
RockGaara: If by young Link you mean 10 years old Link from are wrong. First came 15 years old Link from first Zelda. Technicaly no adult, but at least a teen but not a child. Link becomes 16 in the next game, and always been around that age in posterior game. Young 10 y.o. Link from OoT is the only kid, not the first.
RockGaara: Wind Wakerink, despite his looks, It's supposed to be 15. He's looks are meant to be taken by cartoonish style, not as a young kid. The oldest Link us adult Link from OoT, 17, even TP and SS Link are younger: 16. I know this but, sadly, I can't confirm where this information came from. ;p
RockGaara: Ok, guys... I'll give it a try if you want me to, I'll take it as a challenge and draw some shota of Link... I've drawn Ghirahim and dislike him, it'd be an hypocrisy if I didn't do this... That's if you really want me to and suggest some ideas to. ;)
Anonymous9(7): Banker is the adorable guy in the green suit, withe the black hair with red tips that cover his eyes. You find him patting his lap, in ocarina of Time he wants to buy random bottled crap from you, in Majora's Mask, he's literally, a banker. He holds onto your money for you.
...Keet is a random pretty blonde boy with pink sleeves in Skyward Sword who hangs out at the Lumpy Pumpkin.
Thanos6: @RockGaara: If it's OK with you, I'd still like to see my idea of Link (NES or SNES era Link, but exactly which one is your call) getting an ass massage, someone (and I'd prefer if we not see who) really kneading and working his ass cheeks, and Link clearly being in heaven and loving every minute. Thanks!
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...And screw that, Young Link came before the lot of them, despite what US strategy guides would have you beleive.
yet... I hope Mandarake still has it once I'm in Japan... T_T
Oh. And regarding non Shota Link.. what about some Keet?
...Keet is a random pretty blonde boy with pink sleeves in Skyward Sword who hangs out at the Lumpy Pumpkin.
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