Anonymous2: ta: haha kk what the FUCK are you doiing gettiing 2ma2hed iin the a22 by that hoofbea2t? ii 2wear, iit'2 alway2 tho2e 2iilly 2henaniigan2 you get you2elf 2tuck iinto.
Yourcreepyassuncle: >Ponyfags thinking that Homestucks would get buttmad over a picture of Dash raping Karkat, and treating this picture like some weird passive-aggressive form of fandom dominance.
Anonymous14: Karkat looks like he's screaming "FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!" in his head. His expression made me laugh.
Also, agreed with the person who said that should be Dirk, specially because he'd totally like Rainbow Dash most, and maybe AppleJack because she has a hat and is orange.
Anonymous17: Trolls are both genders
They have a nook
A bulge
Also rumble spheres to protect their chest from bad injuries
My only problem is
Where the fuck is the bucket?-
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Fucking Homestuck.
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D--> I wish to have a turn after you are finished, clandestine b100ded foulmouth
D--> I think I
D--> I need several towels
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I knew it would be the ponyfags that would be the ones crying/complaining about not getting it.
Stay pathetic, Ponyfags.
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But this is jus disgusting
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Also, agreed with the person who said that should be Dirk, specially because he'd totally like Rainbow Dash most, and maybe AppleJack because she has a hat and is orange.
Fuck Ponies.
"Fuck ponies"
They have a nook
A bulge
Also rumble spheres to protect their chest from bad injuries
My only problem is
Where the fuck is the bucket?-