Twentyfourth: @Anonymous: Seriously? You're going to have that kind of attitude towards someone because they are not progressing well in a video game? You are one pathetic and despicable sorry excuse for a human being.
Anonymous4(1): @Twentyfourth:
Don't touch me you filthy casual. Also. I smell butthurt. That game was made for progress. If you don't have any progress, then you are nothing more but a pile of bat shit. Sorry.
maplemoon: @Anonymous:
I bet they'd really like it if you whispered them and told them how the games meant to be played, beings you're on the same server and all. ^^
Also Defias Brotherhood is an RP server, just saying.
No PvP progress. PvE: 1/8 DS HC. Cannot unsee that shit. The worst of all - that putrid fucking cunt is from my server.
Don't touch me you filthy casual. Also. I smell butthurt. That game was made for progress. If you don't have any progress, then you are nothing more but a pile of bat shit. Sorry.
I bet they'd really like it if you whispered them and told them how the games meant to be played, beings you're on the same server and all. ^^
Also Defias Brotherhood is an RP server, just saying.
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