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TagsBen_10, Ben_Tennyson, Gwen_Tennyson, Tiquitoc
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ClericBard: Hilarity Ensues.
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se7en: Gwen is still missing the definition of 'beating off'
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abzde: This is not going to end well...
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Anonymous1: Ouch!
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CreamyThang_: MAMA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *faints!* X_X
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Agent__34: don't worry guys i think we're all just missing the context of this whole thing

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shetni64: He doesn't seem to be secured in place in any way, so he should be able to dodge. Plus, his hands are together, so he can activate the Omnitrix. (He won't know which form he'll take, but honestly, any of them would improve the situation.)
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Anonymous2: This gonna be very noisy, let's pray for a secuel.
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Miles_Edgeworth: Executioner, I'm here to stop you yet agai-

Wait, you not Executioner... Well this Is awkward.
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DragonShade44: OH GOD NO
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Anonymous3: I'm taking bets the hammer rebounds and knocks her out.
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DragonEmperor: I didn't realize that it was a hammer until I read anon3's comment... I thought it was an axe, also that is most likely what will happen.
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Anonymous4: Meat tenderizer
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Das_Booty: No one likes Gallagher, Gwen. What makes you think we'll like this?
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Anonymous5: How the hell can he have a boner in that situation!? Mine would've gone into hiding in one second flat.
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Anonymous6: This will NOT end well!
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Rat: Watch out for your balls, klang-klang!
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Anonymous8: if this doesn't make you reflexively cross your legs, you aren't male
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: Gwen knows so many things...
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Anonymous10: and thats why im happy to not have a psycho sister
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deuce: *shoots Gwen, steals Ben away*
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mkas: i thought it was axe
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phophopho: are you a man enough dude to hit your own dick with a hammer
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anomalous: This will only hurt once, but DAMN will it hurt.
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Anonymous11: @anomalous: Epic Pain!!
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DRK: That thing is going to pack so much punch he'll be bleeding out the tip for weeks.
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posted4you: It's a trust exercise... Unfortunately, Gwen is NOT to be trusted! :p
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Anonymous12: C'mon, it's okay, he's about to turn into Diamondhead... I hope so... hard to tell if he's still bearing the Omnitrix... And Gwen's face is a bit disturbingly beaming with glee...
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Anonymous13: @shetni64: Maybe this is pre-omnitrix era
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Anonymous14: gwen got sick of ben sticking it in her butt every night while she slept.

she teased him, got him excited, and told him to close his eyes... he decided to open them moments before the climax. :D
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Anonymous15: Look at his teeth, he's a werewolf!
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JKF19: Ben could really use some Impact Gel to absorb that hammer right about now.
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Anonymous16: No Gwen! Gallagher is still alive and that is not a watermelon!
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Anonymous17: WHY?? ;__;
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Anonymous18: *crys just looking at this* i dont have a dick but i know THAT makes even ME cringe at the thought
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fuckagirl: BME Pain Olympic, anyone?
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Anonymous19: "I'm gonna BANG you!"
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Anonymous20: I LIKE THIS
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Anonymous21: Hopefully he turns into diamondhead... Atleast then he could grow it back (or have it now break at all)
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Anonymous22: ben: I FORGOT THE SAFE WORD!!
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lorik: She's tenderizing his man meat
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Anonymous24(23): QUICK!!!
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Anony-Miss: I don't even have a penis and this is painful. Gwen is one sick lil girl.
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JeffMoreau: Quick! Dodge behing her back and make INVASIVE maneuvers!
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gwensanimal: ben ich beneide dich
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gwensanimal: ben ich beneide dich.
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Anonymous25: double post
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Maskarade: Reminds me of something.
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Anonymous26: gwen is a stoopid feminazi with invidia penis

kill her with fire nuke
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andoni00: Oh, God! Anything but that!!!
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Anonymous27: atta girl gwen though an axe would be better and make sure you get his balls too, it will teach him a lesson
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Anonymous28: @Anonymous: I raise you $100 for that crazy bitch to get banhammered.
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KaGeTaMi: @JKF19: Win. Just win.
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Anonymous29: Well, that's the end of his wiener...that thing will flatten it.
Gwen: Say goodbye to your dick ben!
Ben: No!!!
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Anonymous30: More like making his dick splat every where....
She minds as well do the same to his balls and splat them as well
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Anonymous31: that table doesn't seem stable, took me right out of it
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DarkShadow12: That's a cruel way to end it.

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