bbmbbf: To ChaoticTentacles : the explaination about the different sizes and styles is becouse 1- not all pics was done by the same artists 2- some people like Cream with loli sizes, some people want her with breast, with white chest, some people loves tails as a guy, some people loves tails as a girl, some people request me to do gatomon small size like in the show (Gatomon in heat comic), some people request me to do gatomon like in the "Rika and Renamon Blues" comic (Adult human size with breasts) ...customers are the ones who decide, not me.
Anonymous6: I see rouge (top-right), sonic(bottom-left), tails (top-left), chaos (obvious), some guy in purple (possibly espio, top beside big pic), unknown character (covered by Cream's ear, top)
Anonymous13: I agree with Anon12, Anon1 is bound to be single for the rest of his life. GROW UP Anon1 & SMELL THE PUSSY, MMMMM PUSSY... (drooling sounds).
Anonymous20: anoy 19 up there maybe be stupid but the guy isn't lying...I make it a bit darker and the next second I am loving a golden Cream the rabbit.
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