Faptacular: Unfortunately I get more bewildered stares than intriqued reactions when stating my stance on the matter IRL.
Doesn't change it though. I'm just not into emotionless sex. It just seems pointless to me. Might as well just beat off if all you're after is an orgasm.
You seem to be proclaiming that there are only two emotional states: love and emotionless. There are plenty of states in between. It is possible to have affection for someone without being "in love" with them.
Faptacular: ^Actually by emotionless I was more refering more to one-night stands and the like. I'm just as well-aquainted with the verying degrees of love as everyone else.
@masterofpirates: There's also no shame in indugling your girlfriend/lover's kinks to make them happy.
jubilation_t_cornpone: In any case, it has nothing to do with the original exchange, in which you apparently think "making out after oral" requires "having sex with people we love". It doesn't.
posted4you: Wait. What I'm hearing is that you can walk down the street, pass a beautiful woman with great legs, great breasts, a great ass, a great face, a great whatever...and you wouldn't be interested because you don't have a pre-existing emotional bond with them? You don't know them so they don't interest you? "Strangers" don't rouse any level of desire in you?
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Faptacular: What was the reason for bringing up your preferences at all? All you had to say was that most guys would continue sex as long as she was willing and they were able. Especially when what you were responding to was just a joke in the first place.
Faptacular: What's with everyone taking everything I say to literal extremes?
@posted4you: If I see someone I find attractive and happen to successfully strike up a conversation with them and then get to know them (preferably over a couple of weeks) then I'd be all for it. But sleeping with someone I just met no matter how smoking-hot she might be. Not likely to happen. It's just not how I am.
@jubilation_t_cornpone: At that point I'd responded to ChaoticTentacles' comment, which to me was an entirely different conversation. Now I'm wondering why you took suck issue with it in the first place? Its not like I was suggesting a blanket ban on all casual sex everywhere. I didn't even imply that my way is the right way. I'm not saying that now either. It's just my perspective.
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Doesn't change it though. I'm just not into emotionless sex. It just seems pointless to me. Might as well just beat off if all you're after is an orgasm.
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You seem to be proclaiming that there are only two emotional states: love and emotionless. There are plenty of states in between. It is possible to have affection for someone without being "in love" with them.
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@masterofpirates: There's also no shame in indugling your girlfriend/lover's kinks to make them happy.
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Okay. I have to have a pre-exiisting emotional bond with a girl before I even consider fooling around with her.
Otherwise I am personally not interested.
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I just mentioned that some people do and then the conversation mutated into my preferences for not folling around randomly.
I never explicitly said the two were connected.
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Dude, that's fucked up.
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@posted4you: If I see someone I find attractive and happen to successfully strike up a conversation with them and then get to know them (preferably over a couple of weeks) then I'd be all for it. But sleeping with someone I just met no matter how smoking-hot she might be. Not likely to happen. It's just not how I am.
@jubilation_t_cornpone: At that point I'd responded to ChaoticTentacles' comment, which to me was an entirely different conversation. Now I'm wondering why you took suck issue with it in the first place? Its not like I was suggesting a blanket ban on all casual sex everywhere. I didn't even imply that my way is the right way. I'm not saying that now either. It's just my perspective.