Anonymous4: No i proving a point that grown men like to watch little kiddy shows for GIRLS and are actually turned on by a fucking animal listen nerds im a fucking girl so u know its bad for u losers
Anonymous5(4): Im mad bcuz i always see this weird sick piece of shit ponies and fucking "bronies" or whatever u pussy guys call ur self and it gets annoying bcuz alot of ppl actually get off to this like seriously wtf
Anonymous6(4): Awww the little fag is trying to be tough listen i bet u i look 1000X times better than a horse in lingerie so stfu up bcuz u can never ever get a girl fucking pussy faggot
Anonymous7(4): I look better in lingerie u retard bcuz they r made for HUMAN women not for some fucking ponies that look like children and i swear if a retard took a shit and smeared all over it would be a million times better than pony porn
PinkBallons: Anon: We honestly could give a shit what you think. Bronies have dealt with haters for as long as we've been around. Save yourself and us some time and effort and keep your hateful opinions and terrible grammar to yourself.
bAv-R34: @Anonymous: How ironic of you, I already have a girlfriend for the past 4 months and she looks at more MLP porn than I do!
@Anonymous: So what if you're a girl? That doesn't prove anything.
Seriously, if there's a lot of shit that's annoying to you, then fucking deal with it. Do you have any idea how many F2Pers and Gibus players I run into in TF2? I don't fucking bitch about it, especially when they constantly ask me for my Vintage Towering Pillar of Hats.
>implying that sassy comebacks means you are trying to be tough
Gtfo the internet, newfag.
@Anonymous: Oh goody, we've got another scat fetishist here. How wonderful.
Diagnosis: Samefag with rustled jimmies.
Moving on.
Anonymous8: "Hi, my name is anon 2! I have an uncontrollable urge to click on prono that I with 110% certainty that I definitely do not like, but and I try to make up for it by showing off how much I don't like animals sexually, because I totally don't like them that way! I am so fucking cool and definitely not a bestaphile! Did I mention that I don't like animals sexually?"
skunkwolfe: Hey, guys, we're missing the point here. Specifically, one whiny, uptight little bitch on the internet (and an anon at that) got her panties in a wad about a bunch of grown men (and women) enjoying a cartoon about colorful talking ponies, and everything inspired by it. Obviously, if one person doesn't like it that means we're all disgusting "forever alone" perverts who can't function in normal society. Heh. Yeah, right. :D
ChaoticTentacles: I don't really get all the love over MLP porn myself but that's no reason to hate, also I never listen to anon's in the first place, now you know why
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Like so.
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They just don't speak as well as they used to when I get done with'em.
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@Anonymous: So what if you're a girl? That doesn't prove anything.
Seriously, if there's a lot of shit that's annoying to you, then fucking deal with it. Do you have any idea how many F2Pers and Gibus players I run into in TF2? I don't fucking bitch about it, especially when they constantly ask me for my Vintage Towering Pillar of Hats.
>implying that sassy comebacks means you are trying to be tough
Gtfo the internet, newfag.
@Anonymous: Oh goody, we've got another scat fetishist here. How wonderful.
Diagnosis: Samefag with rustled jimmies.
Moving on.
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