Anonymous8: Elder troll and anymous 1............................................ YOU GUYS ARE MOTHERFUCKING, SON-OF-A-BITCH MORONS. Don't you see !? Penny has moose antlers in the show!
Anonymous10(8): Anon 10: SHUT THE HELL UP OR ELSE YOU'RE CLEAN UP THE MESSES I CAUSE! Now excuse me while beat the shit out of the other people who challenge me and make them eat my shit.
Meta_Kirby: Anon 12= Troll. Please, dont feed the trolls. Anon 13, she is (as of right now) what anon 11 said "An antlered peanut." If thats going to change...well, we have to wait and see.
Anonymous15: Ah that first awkward fuck. Neither of them quite know what they are doing but they both like it. I doubt Gumball could keep up a steady rhythm, probably just sporadically humping in short bursts.
Anonymous17: Gumball looks like he is the girl here who has a dominant attitude on penny who looks like boy who absolutely puts no fight in this. Looks like a gender bend sadist-masochist thing to me
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