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TagsGumball_Watterson, Penny_Fitzgerald, The_Amazing_World_of_Gumball, chibitracy
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Info325x411 // 114KB // png
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chibitracy: a request, colors are bit bright on this one through. -_-
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The_Elder_Troll: She is a peanut not a moose
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Random_Anon: Bright colors or not, it's still freakin' adorable as always CT. :P
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dan458: Why is this soooo cute!?
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Anonymous1: Who the hell SAID she was a moose?
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Anonymous2: Moose or not great job
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Anonymous3: She's come out of her cocoon !
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Anonymous4: I still have yet to see gangster version of gumball chacters :/
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Anonymous5(1): And thank god for that
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Meta_Kirby: Odd...when i go to Gumball wikia, in bg i see familiar looking characters...submitted by someone else...Dar something...
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Anonymous6: can you make one with her legs wrapped around gumball
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Anonymous7: Every time I see your art its so cute
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Anonymous8: Elder troll and anymous 1............................................ YOU GUYS ARE MOTHERFUCKING, SON-OF-A-BITCH MORONS. Don't you see !? Penny has moose antlers in the show!
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Anonymous9: Dumbass anon above. She is OFFICIALLY an antlered peanut. Keep your moose shit to yourself.
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Anonymous10(8): Anon 10: SHUT THE HELL UP OR ELSE YOU'RE CLEAN UP THE MESSES I CAUSE! Now excuse me while beat the shit out of the other people who challenge me and make them eat my shit.
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Anonymous11: She has horns right??? Then she is a moose or a dear
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Meta_Kirby: Anon 12= Troll. Please, dont feed the trolls. Anon 13, she is (as of right now) what anon 11 said "An antlered peanut." If thats going to change...well, we have to wait and see.
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Anonymous12(3): @The_Elder_Troll: Penny is a Rookie digimon, and she has been stimulated to go to the Champion stage.
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Anonymous13: Hey Lokkie Here We Have Ourselves A Crossover Fan Here!
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Anonymous14(13): @Anonymous: I Can Agree With you 50% but We still dont know as a FACT that shes a moouse,deer, or antlered peanut
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Anonymous15: Ah that first awkward fuck. Neither of them quite know what they are doing but they both like it. I doubt Gumball could keep up a steady rhythm, probably just sporadically humping in short bursts.
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Anonymous16: fuck yeah
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Anonymous17: Gumball looks like he is the girl here who has a dominant attitude on penny who looks like boy who absolutely puts no fight in this. Looks like a gender bend sadist-masochist thing to me
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Anonymous18: @The_Elder_Troll: shes looks hotter as a moose
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Anonymous19: Lol
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Anonymous20(19): But indeed the first awekward fuck lol

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