Ratsalad: Obviously you idiots have failed basic biology the upper panel on the lower right is the collective of semen attempting the enter the fallopian egg, and the lower panel is an internal ejaculation into the uterus, are you people really that stupid?
MidnightSubmarine: @Anonymous3 You know what's REALLY stupid, asshole? Assuming these guys are American because you think that they're stupid. One's anonymous, and the other two don't have anything on their profiles even HINTING at a nationality.
I'm guessing by the grammar in that train wreck of a sentence that English isn't your first language, and in turn, not just another self-hating American. Maybe you should set aside your hatred for a country you've probably never even been to for two seconds before you jump to conclusions next time.
Anonymous7: I'd like to imagine that's Goku impregnating her, to give birth to some really powerful children. (Also because Zangya is hotter than Chi Chi)
Wanna see her lactate some blue-ish milk and let Goku drink it.
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: Goku x Zangya? Sounds hot AF, imagine how strong their kids would be as well, especially if Super Saiyan and the Bojack transformation could stack together!
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I'm guessing by the grammar in that train wreck of a sentence that English isn't your first language, and in turn, not just another self-hating American. Maybe you should set aside your hatred for a country you've probably never even been to for two seconds before you jump to conclusions next time.
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Fuck off.
Wanna see her lactate some blue-ish milk and let Goku drink it.