Anonymous3: You know, funny things A2, most artists are unusually responsive to this weird thing Co-mess-ons. Seems they draw art that people ask for when they get one of those.
Silent_Witness: @Anonymous: I've heard of those, but every time I ask an artist for one, they ask me to give them something called "money" in exchange.
croixblade: What is this "money" you speak of? it makes me think of hard work, hours of boredom ,and the inexplainable wish to kill myself every morining
ChaosInuYasha: I lol'd at Anon3, Silent_Witness and croixblade and their responses. But yeah sadly unless you get to be really good friends with a good artist or cough up money you wont see pics of girls/guys you like.
Chupacabra555: That's why I got into Poser, so I could make more of what I like to see (although I occasionally cough up this rare commodity called "Mahneee" to get some custom images ^_^
Anonymous7: If it's that important to you, you can probably Photoshop the dick out. But it looks like it would be a hell of a lot of work to get it out of there... :S
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Even being a male, I like her with a dick. I like shemales.
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