Anonymous5: anon 1 anon 4 Why do english people are so lazy? we study hard to talk your language, but you are too lazy and arrogant to talk our language!
By the way, fapfapfapfapfap...
dugong_operation: English is used almost universally. There's no reason for English-speakers to learn languages other than the ones we need, like Spanish if you're American. It has nothing to do with being lazy or arrogant.
Do you just want everyone to learn every single language or what.
Anonymous6: since english is the most spoken language in the internet it would be better if these could be translated. on the other hand, in real life, Mandarin is the most spoken language in the world yet a good amount of americans don't even care about learning it.
Anonymous8: English is generally considered the language of business because most companies doing business (even with non-English speaking countries) will use English to make agreements. Most Americans can't afford to leave the country and will most likely never go to another country for business, so why learn another language.
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By the way, fapfapfapfapfap...
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Do you just want everyone to learn every single language or what.
Spanish-speaking people need to do what every legal immigrant does: get with the fucking program and learn English.
Which internet? Not the Asian one, you would get lost there.