Tost: The Fel Orc still use the Horde Symbol, they just consider themselves the 'true' Horde.
The Horde existed on Dreanor/Outland before the Orcs went to Azeroth, many of the orcs who either staid behind or went back to Outland before the events of WoW maintained the Horde under leadership of Korgath Bladefist, and were later turned into the Fel Orc by consuming huge amounts of Magtheridon's blood.
WeRide: @Tost I just didn't realize they used the same symbol. Normally when factions split from the main branch they change the symbols from which they originate, even if it's a slight modification.
Tost: I suppose the incredibly obvious sarcasm/irony of me calling someone a 'fucking virgin loser' after explaining World of Warcraft lore on a rule 34 picture went over your heads.
Anonymous4: @WeRide: That is true, but both Thrall's Horde and the Fel Horde (Kargath's branch) consider themselves to be the true and/or main branch. So does Rend's (Old) Horde in the Burning Steppes and Blackrock Spire for that matter. --a fucking virgin loser
@Anon5: in the game, all of the female Nelfs have glowing silver eyes, all of the males have gold. I'm pretty sure it's that way in Lore, too. Illidan had gold eyes, for example.
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The Horde existed on Dreanor/Outland before the Orcs went to Azeroth, many of the orcs who either staid behind or went back to Outland before the events of WoW maintained the Horde under leadership of Korgath Bladefist, and were later turned into the Fel Orc by consuming huge amounts of Magtheridon's blood.
You fucking virgin loser.
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Word of advice, don't expect intelligence from ANYONE here until they can prove they have it.
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@Anon5: in the game, all of the female Nelfs have glowing silver eyes, all of the males have gold. I'm pretty sure it's that way in Lore, too. Illidan had gold eyes, for example.