Comixfan: I know, out of most of the romances, her's is considered the most "puppy love" like in that she, basically, is all over you from the get go and ends up wanting nothing more then to please you by the end of the romance chain as opposed to almost all the other LI's that you, kinda, have to work for.
Honestly though, I didn't give a shit. I loved her to death. Part of me loves sappy romance, and the other likes eager/fiercely loyal/almost obsessive girls who want to have sex. With Nadia, it's the best of all those worlds. Young nubile alien girl that, by the end, practically begs you to let her sit on your penis (in a good way)
With this piece, while the Tentacles don't do it for me, Nesoun did an amazing job with ever other detail, right down to her super pouty lips. Only thing that sucks (not in a good way) about Nadia? You don't get her until almost then *end of the fucking game.* Nice one, SWTOR writers. And you wonder why the game's Free To Play now...
Comixfan: @Anonymous: Actually, no, she's not Human. Canderous is Human, and the original Mandalorians were Humans and later the name became an Ideal. However Nadia is not descended from Humans, her species is merely "Human-oid." So her biology is different. If you've read the lore for SWTOR, Nadia's race was only discovered a short time ago in the timeline.
Anonymous4: @Comixfan: Not to be a star wars geek, but the original Mandalorians were Non-Human (the Taung) who later recruited non-Taung into their group, teaching them their values. (I'd also say Nadia was Near-Human, not humaniod) Ok, I feel too nerdy.
Comixfan: @Anonymous: Fine with being a SW Nerd. I wear the label with pride. However, you misunderstood what I was saying.
I'm well aware that (in the EU at least) the original Mandalorians were not Human and that their ideology was adopted later by those who continued on their traditions.
Somewhat similar to how the Dark Jedi who broke away from the Order discovered the Sith species and integrated not just their people but their name and many of their mystical practices.
As for the term Human-oid (damn R34 word block...) it can be used to denote Near Human as opposed to just saying "Near Human" as that can be just as vague. However they are not descended from early Human colonists like other races in the SW Expanded Universe. They evolved along very similar paths (i.e. a primate species) but they are a unique race. As such, saying their Human-oid allows for that extrapolation.
Really though, she's fucking Hot and it baffles me how there's almost no good Rule 34/Erotica Art of her.
Anonymous6: Yeah, it kinda sucks how it seems there is no art of the people I seem to love, and then there are others characters that seem overused.
Star Wars Nerd 4 Life!
Anonymous8: @Comixfan: I believe there's a notable difference in-universe, with near-humans being basically human, but with different skin colours (chiss, sarkhai) or other slight differences (Zabrak Horns/lines), while humanoid is anything vaguely human shaped.
simply put:
Near-Human - anything played by an actor, possibly with make-up
Humanoid - anything with 2 arms, 2 legs and a head in the right place, but probably needs a suit/cgi.
Hmm, did they ever give you what species Grell is? Only played Consular enough to grab my Trandoshan, which was the big thing for me.
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Honestly though, I didn't give a shit. I loved her to death. Part of me loves sappy romance, and the other likes eager/fiercely loyal/almost obsessive girls who want to have sex. With Nadia, it's the best of all those worlds. Young nubile alien girl that, by the end, practically begs you to let her sit on your penis (in a good way)
With this piece, while the Tentacles don't do it for me, Nesoun did an amazing job with ever other detail, right down to her super pouty lips. Only thing that sucks (not in a good way) about Nadia? You don't get her until almost then *end of the fucking game.* Nice one, SWTOR writers. And you wonder why the game's Free To Play now...
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I'm well aware that (in the EU at least) the original Mandalorians were not Human and that their ideology was adopted later by those who continued on their traditions.
Somewhat similar to how the Dark Jedi who broke away from the Order discovered the Sith species and integrated not just their people but their name and many of their mystical practices.
As for the term Human-oid (damn R34 word block...) it can be used to denote Near Human as opposed to just saying "Near Human" as that can be just as vague. However they are not descended from early Human colonists like other races in the SW Expanded Universe. They evolved along very similar paths (i.e. a primate species) but they are a unique race. As such, saying their Human-oid allows for that extrapolation.
Really though, she's fucking Hot and it baffles me how there's almost no good Rule 34/Erotica Art of her.
Star Wars Nerd 4 Life!
simply put:
Near-Human - anything played by an actor, possibly with make-up
Humanoid - anything with 2 arms, 2 legs and a head in the right place, but probably needs a suit/cgi.
@Anonymous: yes. yes we do.