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TagsApple_Bloom, Big_Macintosh, Cutie_Mark_Crusaders, Friendship_is_Magic, My_Little_Pony
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Info886x1302 // 801KB // png
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FinalGamer: Oh look, this abomination is finally up on rule34. gusta.
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NikoBellic: What the fuck?
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amateur: god, incestuous reverse dick-sucking is so old
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Lapp: ^ When a statement like this is true, the Internet needs new material.
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Anonymous1: Wat
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Gooby: omfg tes es su hat
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Anonymous2: When you look at this comic backwards...its about a pony named big mac who gives birth to a filly and absorbs alot of semen in the process.
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anonkami: i would assume there's gonna be a LOT of explaining...possibly even a hanging!
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toongrowner: I didn't liked her anyway.
I bet 5 feathers of celestia that she's still return as a butterfly! XD
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Masterdragon: I was wondering hoe she's going to get out of this situation?
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TheKommissar: clopping inside the nutsack?
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Legovlas: Is this supposed to be arousing for someone?
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: I think I like your version better. Slightly.
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PinkBallons: I find the fact that she called him "daddy" far more disturbing than anything else.
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Faptacular: I often wonder if stuff like this starts out as a joke and inevitably someone starts fapping like mad and now here we are.

That said: Y U DU THIS?!
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Anonymous4: this is my fetish
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W300: I got so owned, damn.
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Anonymous5: i'm fapping so fucking fast right now.
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Anonymous6: if only this was Futashy instead
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Anonymous7: I'm going to ATTEMPT to explain this one.
Panel one: Apple bloom drinks a his jizz because nom
Panel two: She really really likes it, so she starts climing into his dick because lolidunno
Panel three: She's completely addicted and just wants more cum inside of her, so she starts crawling inside...oh god what
Panel four: She manages to climb all the way through big macs cock, into his ball sac, where presumably, she's drank so much semen, and his balls are magic or something, she literally turns into his semen in which...
Panel five: He clops her out
Panel six: Where only her bow remains.
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SilentObsever01: *Sigh* Alright...I'm going to explain this because SOMEONE has to. This is a fetish called Vore, more specifically soft, more specifically cock vore, the swallowing and sometimes (Mostly) the ingestion of the "prey" (Applebloom) by the "predator" (Big Mac). It's common in some places to see a picture like this where the predator tricks the prey into giving oral, only to suck them in involentarily into their orifice. This usually leads to the prey thrasing about but if it's stretchy vore like this, struggling and fighting will not help. I normal cock vore, the predator "digests" the prey in their scrotum (Just imagine within each nut there's a massive stomach like chamber.) into semen, cum, seed, whatever, as seen by panel 4. And ususally the predator does clop them out, they're just a wad of spooge...and boom. Panel 6 happens. Why her bow didn't turn to seed I don't know. do I know this? It's my fetish. FINALLY someone posted this stuff. Haters gunna hate.
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Anonymous8: If you say so, mang.
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Anonymous9: this is a common furry fetish
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Anonymous10: I'm gonna say to SilentObserver: Yes, that fetish is fucked up, but you have the biggest balls of anyone here to be so straightforward with it.

You are a role model.
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Anonymous11: W T F
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Anonymous12: Fetish
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Anonymous13(12): !VOREGASM!
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Anonymous14(12): anon12 wins
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Anonymous15: Gusta
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Anonymous16: One question, why in the fuck did you look this picture and say it's fucked up?
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Anonymous17: when the internet need new material, your fucked

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