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TagsMufasa, Scar, Simba, TheGiantHamster, The_Lion_King
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Info1500x840 // 2.3MB // png
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Chef_Retardee: That's Disney evil!
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deathstriker: I thought Disney deaths occur off-screen, with the excption of the Hunchback of Notre Damme, with Frollo and Quasimodo's mother.
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Anonymous1: ._.
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Anonymous2: seriously WHAT DA FUCK the person who made this is sick
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Anonymous3: ....are those twitch lines i see?
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kerbherus: OK, fetishes with Disney characters, even animal ones, is one thing, but this... whoever did this is seriously sick...
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Anonymous4: I feel like I've read a story like this I alone?
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Anonymous5: this kind of porn is called guro >.> at least in anime terms
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Anonymous6: Awesome! This is the kind of scenes I always wanted to see when I watched the movie as a kid!
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Anonymous7: That is messed up
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Anonymous8: <_<


Artist's SN, please
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Anonymous9: This actually scares me. :(
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: I honestly hope you're just trolling now.
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: Sorry to disappoint, but I'm actually serious about it. I was around 13 at that time. But I had similar fantasies about the Jungle Book when I watched it at the age of 8, I think. I guess I was a pretty messed up kid :).
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Anonymous12: @Anonymous: I wonder what happened to you earlier. <:(
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Anonymous13: @Anonymous: Nothing traumatic, as far as I remember. Sometimes fetishes develope for no apperent reason and sometimes this happens very early in one's life. It's not really a problem, as long as you realize things like this must never be put into practice. You can still enjoy art like this one, done by other people that share your fetish. No harm in that.
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Anonymous14(13): @Anonymous: @Anonymous: Nothing traumatic, as far as I remember. Sometimes fetishes develope for no apperent reason and sometimes this happens very early in one's life. It's not really a problem, as long as you realize things like this must never be put into practice. You can still enjoy art like this one, done by other people that share your fetish. No harm in that.
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Anonymous15: Idk why but this turns me on soooo much, I'm not a bad person either.
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Anonymous16: .-. oml whyy
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Anonymous17: This is messed up
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Anonymous18: attractive and successful African, the fuck is this?
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Anonymous19: @Anonymous: No. Youre normal. Uncommon but normal.

Grotesque horror movies are a beloved staple of cinema, but throw a dick into the equation and why has anyone suddenly gone too far? War videogames, mandatory observance to songs of military loyalty at sporting events??, museums dedicated to conflict in this world... hold up yall i got a bag of Mardi-Gras pearls yall can clutch. *big snorty laugh* ahhh~naw but really. Eh..*headscrstch* look, eh most kids toon guros are a product of frustration at kids programming being so stripped down bare of heavy topics and their absence leaves a confusing hole in onesself that lies sometimes long undiscovered. Damn, this is... beautiful. Its as if asking 'where WAS all that? I could handle it.' And it patches you up inside and puts closure on... a world that is otherwise spiritually incomplete. Now The Circle of Life feels whole to me. This shits amazing work.

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