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Excite: finally some tsunade in karakishi's doujin!!
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Richardthedragon: dear Excite, if you don't tag properly again, I'm going to beat you with my hammer of a cock...
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Excite: You're a handsome devil but i don't swing that way!
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ddv: Wow looking awesome! Cant wait:<
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Anonymous1: Where's the fucking doujin already? There's supposed to be one this summer
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Anonymous2: is that a release date at the top? what does it say? I get the 28 xD but that's it.
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Anonymous3(2): sauce?
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Anonymous4: Comiket 82 is coming up. Maybe it'll be released there.
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Anonymous5: Finally a foursome with Tsunade, Shizune, and Sakura. People have been wanting this for a while, It'd be awesome if it came out this month...
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Anonymous6: I can't wait, Comiket 82's gonna rule
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Anonymous7(1): Maybe Naruto will fuck all 3 of them.

Shizune - Pussy
Sakura - Pussy+Asshole
Tsunade - Asshole
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Anonymous8: Blasphemous anon, they shall be gangbanged till oblivion! All three of them, without rest or mercy!
Go Naruto, explode for IchaIcha!
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Kyuubi: @LoveNarutoHentai: That's pretty typical of karakishi's doujins.
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Anonymous9: Evr
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Anonymous10(9): It'd be awesome if Sasuke shows up and rapes all three of them. Fuck, his one doujin of raping Suckura is better than any doujin with that tacky retard Naruto in them.
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Anonymous11: @anon7 Karakishi's doujin's are awesome cause there is no rape and crappy Sasuke in them. No one liked that doujin anyway. Met negative reviews. People preferred seeing Naruto getting it on with Sakura, Hinata, Shizune and man others girls. Lustful sex that pleases everyone.
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Anonymous12(9): Anon 8, most people are idiots, and Naruto has no sex appeal so get that shit out of here. All of Naruto hentai is OOC and pure wankage of a terrible main character. Sakura is also not that hot, so Karakishi is a fag for drawing her so much.

Sasuke makes it fap worthy because he's an actual dick to women and sees them as they are, whores that need to be fucked and cum on. His doujin beats Naruto because on the sexual level, Sakura is raped and thats better than self insertion with Naruto.
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Anonymous13: I'm trying to determine which is worse, tropers or commenters on paheal and its comments from guys like Anon 7 and 10 that are making a strong argument towards the latter.
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Anonymous14(13): Karakishi is not the name of the fucking person who draws these, it's the name of the circle. I know none of you give a shit since it's just "TITS, ASS, MISOGYNY" on your mind all of the time, but you could at least learn who it is you're insulting instead of being a fucking idiot and generalizing a whole group.

Mind you I expect no better from the place where "attractive and successful African" is used as a joke in any picture's comments involving people who aren't white.
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Anonymous15: so when does the doujin come out
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Anonymous16: stopme is up to his old tricks again, I see.
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Anonymous17: Shizune - Pussy
Sakura - Asshole
Tsunade - Pussy likes (pregs)
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Anonymous18(1): Anon12 you're a gigantic fucking retard. Misogynist for reading a doujin? Really? Go kill yourself and make the world a better place.
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tgt: Sakura doesn't have big tits. So this image fails. Never liked Derp face doujins from this idiot anyways.
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Anonymous19: @Anonymous: god stopme only you can come up with something that fucking stupid. can't you just admit that your gay for sasuke.
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Anonymous20: Love this guys work. can't wait to see this one.
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Anonymous21(13): Anon15, if you really have no idea what the misogyny is referring to then you should not be the one calling someone else a retard... especially you seem to be taking that one to further offense than anyone else.
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Anonymous22(17): Fap.
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Anonymous23(11): @anon 12: Yet people still prefer Naruto over Sasuke cause he's a butt-hurt faggot with no interest in women.
You FAIL. Naruto has always had better doujins and Sasuke hardly has any.
Suck it bitch.
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Anonymous24: According to doujinshi.mugimugi, this one's out Aug-12. Can't wait! :D
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Anonymous25: Different strokes for different folks, can't you understand that already, stopme? People these days...
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Anonymous26(17): Fuck her.
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