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TagsApple_Bloom, Cutie_Mark_Crusaders, Friendship_is_Magic, My_Little_Pony, Scootaloo, Sweetie_Belle
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Info2860x2091 // 2.1MB // png
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Anonymous1: Need non-pony version, stat!
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Abductme: I'd give it a 60% Chance the actual artist drew this edit.

Anyway back to faping.
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: Fuck no.
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Anonymous3(1): Fuck yes.
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Anonymous4: duplicate of 894435.
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Anonymous5(4): @anon4 the other one looks slightly different
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Anonymous6(2): @Anonymous: Yeah, still fuck no champ.
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Anonymous7: This is a question I want to ask: Which pony here would you do first? I would do Sweetie Belle, but I wouldn't stick it in her... Yet. First I would want her to give me a blowjob with her deliciously good sounding mouth! ;)
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Roflcakes: Dude, fuck yes. I was secretly hoping someone would do a mare genital version...

@Brollyhero93: Applebloom. Balls deep in one thrust.
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: NO, it's an edit.
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pieguyman: Me Gusta times 20!
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Anonymous9: @Abductme: a6p edited this one
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Anonymous10(1): Anon6: Yeah still fuck yes, "champ".
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Anonymous11(2): @Anonymous: NO, still fuck NO, chump.
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Dete: pedo alert.
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Anonymous12: Like I wasn't one already
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Anonymous13: Maybe the best edit ever.
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Anonymous14(13): Oh, and Sweetie is the cutest and the sweetiest.
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Anonymous15: pedaponyphile
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anomalous: Wait, there's a Cutie_Mark_Crusader tag? When the fuck did that happen?

>Probably a while ago and I just never fucking noticed it.
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Anonymous16: @anomalous: I noticed it about 3 months ago. Apparently it applies only when all 3 CMC are present in one pic, individually they are not tagged with this.
The tag is also admin approved, if you search "CMC" it will automatically redirect you to Cutie_Mark_Crusaders.
Titanium did it
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Anonymous17: Everypony was kung fu fighting
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Anonymous18: :3
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minty: @Brollyhero93: Sweetie Belle, easily.
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Anonymous19: Le daria a las 3, pero applebloom tiene prioridad, dios que deliciosa se ve, exquisita y que ricos muslos. Obra de arte
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Anonymous20(19): AppleBloom,empezaria bes@ndo sus mejillas, luego probaria su lenguita varios minutos, después mientras la acaricio suavemente le chup@ria y l@meria sus adorables orejitas. Luego bes@ria apasionadamente su pancita, mientras lamo ese pequeño; lindo y sexy ombligo que tiene ahí.
Finalmemte saborearia esos hermosos y sensuales muslos de yegua, l@miendo toda el area, hasta su culit0 hasta complacerla en su cosita.

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