Anonymous1: @Franky_Whiskey: Hehe, Francine is actually pretty tolerant, baring if you are left-handed. Heck she was adopted and raised by Chinese parents who treated her a damn sight better than her biological parents.
If you meant though that she is the bimbo of a white supremacist, then agreed.
Franky_Whiskey: ^ I always thought of Stan as the more tolerant one. Not tolerant per se, but he rarely gives a fuck about race. Francine's the one cracking the racial jokes and stereotypes most of the time.
Not that I'm PC or something, it just cheapens the humor of the show when you overdo those jokes.
Anonymous3(2): The manip of Francine is well done, but the font is unbeliveably crap, and the words moronic. Bad job on the erection too, a truly crappy job. The dicks pointing wrong, and the ham fisted lines are laughable. I just altered it for myself on Photoshop and changed the font and words. Now a lot better. Along the lines of "Before you rape me mr burglar, remember my husband is CIA and he CAN find you with all the help he can get, and he'll cut that large cock off and make you eat it. Now how do you want me ? Make the most of your won't have one for long"
Anonymous4(2): @Franky_Whiskey: LOL !!! Got me, you cunning bugger ! This bloody browser...sometimes it connects, sometimes not !!! I even changed my ID cos I was so pissed off with it. STILL keeps doing it.
Anonymous6(2): @Franky_Whiskey: But "white supremacist" Frank ? REALLY ? So why that view ? Ive watched it, and he's a dozy prick more often than not. But theres plenty worse. FAR worse from all sections of the community. Daresay you have met 'em too
And "kike" ? Chink ? What ????
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If you meant though that she is the bimbo of a white supremacist, then agreed.
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Not that I'm PC or something, it just cheapens the humor of the show when you overdo those jokes.
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And "kike" ? Chink ? What ????
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