PinkBallons: @Roflcakes: It's no problem. Currently looking for "proof" of the name Derpy...Do you think they would be content with a Youtube link to the point in the episode where Dash names her?
PinkBallons: OMFG you guys, just found out that the third episode of season 3 is going to be a Derpy episode! That's fucking awesome. Title: "A Derp in the Life."
Decanter: Eh... I'd rather just alias derpy to derpy_hooves. They're probably just calling her by part of the name, like how Twilight Sparkle is sometimes just called Twilight.
PinkBallons: So yeah, after looking into it more, there has been no official plot summaries of episodes released and several people were just trolling in various places across the interwebz. Sorry to get your hopes up guys :c
PinkBallons: @Roflcakes: I sure as hell hope so. I'd be content with a continuation of the "Where's Waldo" thing they had going on with her, but getting to know Derpy a little better in canon would be awesome.
Anonymous2(1): There was also that hoax about Trixie returning and becoming Celestia's new student. While it turned out false it would be good to see Trixie again, even as a cameo.
Roflcakes: @PinkBallons: Derpy would be such a great character to explore on the show but after the massive shitstorm that exploded over just a few lines of dialogue in a silly voice I can't see them pursuing any character development on her behalf. I hope I'm wrong... I really do.
@Gomenasai: Aw? That was a hoax too? God damn it... Another character that deserves more screen time. Imagine an ongoing rivalry between Twilight and Trixie! Trixie would always start her usual shit and Twilight would try to teach her the error of her ways and then Trixie would break down and cry and then Twilight would cuddle her AND THEN THEY WOULD FU- Oh. Excuse me.
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By the way, thank you for your hard work following up on all these canon pony names and having their respective tags updated.
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I'll be sad. ;c
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*passes out from potential waifu overload*
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Well hey! We can still dream, right? Surely Derpy will get SOME screen time in S3.
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@Gomenasai: Aw? That was a hoax too? God damn it... Another character that deserves more screen time. Imagine an ongoing rivalry between Twilight and Trixie! Trixie would always start her usual shit and Twilight would try to teach her the error of her ways and then Trixie would break down and cry and then Twilight would cuddle her AND THEN THEY WOULD FU- Oh. Excuse me.
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@PinkBallons: DAMMIT.
@Gomenasai: Totally hoping for Trixie to come back. Shit's gonna be SOOOO CASH.
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