Kirapac: @Mic4: Say that to my face motherfucker in real life see what happens. First thing, I cant even believe Im posting on this site but whatever, I can take a break from makin paper and playin bitches to serve ALL of you. Secondly, What the fuck is wrong with you faggot nerds? All i can see is a bunch of disgusting, overweight, basement-dwelling, pedophiles. Nothing like an alpha male such as myself.
Do you realize how much pussy a fucking winner like me gets? I am tappin a different bitch EVERY. FUCKING. WEEK. I’d bet hella money that half of you havent ever gotten laid, and the other half got it from your fat sisters, Lol. See, marines like me understand REAL humor. Yeah thats right, Im also a marine.
At this point I know you all WOULD have tried to mess with me with all of that pussy hacking shit, because Im right and you’re angry. Also you are unpatriotic and hate real American heroes like me. But i know you just looked at my fucking traps and shit your pants.
Just TRY and fuck with me. See what happens.
Anonymous8: @3pac: Look dude, we love you for our country, but come on, you're ruining everyone's good time, we just want to fap... And why are you even on this site if you get pussy every week? Why would you need to masturbate, and hey don't like it, don't read it.
DadadadaWangman: @3pac: WHOA WHOA WHOA!!! An alpha-male on Paheal? Yeah, no, I don't think so! If you're a marine tapping all kinds of ass then I'm President Obama's close personal buddy who gets loaded with him every Saturday!
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Do you realize how much pussy a fucking winner like me gets? I am tappin a different bitch EVERY. FUCKING. WEEK. I’d bet hella money that half of you havent ever gotten laid, and the other half got it from your fat sisters, Lol. See, marines like me understand REAL humor. Yeah thats right, Im also a marine.
At this point I know you all WOULD have tried to mess with me with all of that pussy hacking shit, because Im right and you’re angry. Also you are unpatriotic and hate real American heroes like me. But i know you just looked at my fucking traps and shit your pants.
Just TRY and fuck with me. See what happens.
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Works like a charm!