Hierolocc: <"End indeed! That's it; you, yes you! The one with the mustard stain on your shirt. Get me that Termination Order form. Well what are you still here for you fat slob? Run!">
-Doctor [DATA EXPUNGED] Owers, twenty minutes before Subject Termination was achieved via on-site incinerator.
PinkBallons: This is the epitome of what I'm talking about with the retarded looking OC's. I mean what the fuck is that, and why would you have sex with it?
Anonymous6: @foogie32: Foogie im going to pretend you didn't say that, cause if you did then im gunna get the impression that you enjoy jerking off to ugly as fuck rat people OCs and that your mom did everything in her will power to try to abortion you as the fucking ugly little rat man baby that you are. >_>
foogie32: @Anonymous: Furries have been doing this shit with cartoons since long before the internet existed. I'm so tired of you assholes complaining about OCs in R34 art. You come here for porn of a character because you wish you could fuck the character. if you could draw I have little doubt that you would draw yourself with them because I know I would. these artists can draw whatever the fuck they want especially if they are commissions. they make this shit so they can make money and continue to draw what they want to draw. if you click on an image and see the OC and you don't want, then DO NOT STAY. there is nothing you can do about it so stop whining and don't even think about pulling that rarity whining shit on me or I'll bust your face in.
PinkBallons: @foogie32: I can draw, and I would NEVER draw myself with them. For a while I considered making an OC, then I stopped and thought: "Why am I doing this? What's the point? So I can draw this nonexistent character with canon characters? It's entirely self-serving."
The complaining will never stop as long as we are free to comment, so how about you just stop reading the comment sections with OC's in them? You have as much free will as we do. At least we aren't whining about whining, asshole.
People are convinced we are furries, and personally it warms my heart to see bronies complaining about OC's. Maybe in the end our complaining will amount to nothing, in fact, it probably won't. But if nothing else, it makes us feel better and gets the point across that we aren't okay with this shit.
foogie32: @PinkBallons: I'm having a hard time understanding why people hate OC's so much. if people didn't have OC's then the main characters of these shows wouldn't exist and there would be a lot less creativity in media and the fandoms connected to them. no OC's would make this world a lot less colorful. that's why I'm pissed off.
foogie32: @PinkBallons: And newsflash: Bronies ARE furries. just like starfox fans are furries. a big part of the furry fandom came from people that love anthropomorphic cartoon animals in media. MLPs are anthropomorphic animals. you don't need to stand on two legs to be a furry. as long as the character talks or thinks/has emotions like a human, it is classified as a furry.
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The guy draws RD really well, I'll give him that.
-Doctor [DATA EXPUNGED] Owers, twenty minutes before Subject Termination was achieved via on-site incinerator.
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The complaining will never stop as long as we are free to comment, so how about you just stop reading the comment sections with OC's in them? You have as much free will as we do. At least we aren't whining about whining, asshole.
People are convinced we are furries, and personally it warms my heart to see bronies complaining about OC's. Maybe in the end our complaining will amount to nothing, in fact, it probably won't. But if nothing else, it makes us feel better and gets the point across that we aren't okay with this shit.
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