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TagsFriendship_is_Magic, My_Little_Pony, Rainbow_Dash, comic
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Info718x2467 // 409KB // jpg
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Faptacular: Daniel, there are days when I really fucking hate you.
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Gannondorf: This just makes me want to vomit into young childrens mouths, and then choke them to death. I need to go kill something.
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Lapp: Eh, I'm pretty neutral on RD, so this doesn't really bother me. But I can relate, if I saw a comic like this for my best pony, it might not immediately bother me, but chances are it'd fix that "no pony-related dreams" problem of mine. :c
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Gannondorf: @Lapp: She's not my best pony. It's the principle of doing this to a little hackeysack coloured like Rainbow Dash that sickens me. What a waste of a hackey sack.
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Silent_Witness: I know there are a lot of people that look down on this fandom, but the haters aren't exactly putting themselves in a good light by making things like this.
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Lapp: @Gannondorf: She was a bad fwuffeh, Gannon. She had it coming.

There's nothing you can do; you'll have to go buy another hackeysack.
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Anonymous1: So is this what they call a emo fag comic. LOL
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Dick_Chappy: You killed a young child just brought into the world because it's mother couldn't speak.
*Head desk*
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Anonymous2: How is this porn? Delete this shit.
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FurryPaladin: @Gannondorf: if you want tp kill someone try and kill you archenemy Link LOL
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FurryPaladin: @Gannondorf: if you want to kill someone try and kill you archenemy Link LOL
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Anonymous3: Listen, guys;
I hate ponies. I hate bronies. Both are invasive and go into everything. The bronies are filthy disgusting manchildren, yes, but this kinda shit takes it a little too far.
This shit is like, beyond sociopathic. I am genuinely afraid to ever meet a person that draws these things. You gotta get some help man. Im serious. Its for your best interest.
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Anonymous4: Woh watch out, here comes again this mwyke or whoever with his gore fluffy ponies, so hxc and sick. Woh.
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Anonymous5(4): @Anonymous: bronies killed ponies, man.
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Anonymous6: This makes Cupcakes look tame in comparison. And that's not a good thing...
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Snejok72rus: So fahking hate this comics!
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Mik1: The grammar still makes me laugh
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AnonNaruto: Reported. I kinda would like this taken down. Even if this guy (who drew this) doesn't like MLP, doesn't mean he can draw horrible stuff like this. this is just disgusting.
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Anonymous7: Stop being pussies, guys. This is just fiction. Much worse things happen in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and other places every day... and for real.
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CrotchboobAddict: @Anonymous: Who cares what happens to them arabs, they aren't cute :D
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Lapp: @AnonNaruto: You can't report something just because you don't like the content. Check the rules over what is and isn't allowed, admins go over it enough as is. :(
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Hierolocc: I still fail to see the porn in this though. It isn't sexualized gore as far as I can tell. And the incidental presence of some organ doesn't make it porn for me, since the intent isn't even jokingly to arouse.

I dunno, I don't make the rules.
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Lapp: @Hierolocc: Gore doesn't need to be sexualized to be someone's fetish...

I mean, how "sexualized" can it really get? You're murdering someone, going to great lengths to visit the worst of pains on them in the process, how can that be called sexual, whether a naked woman or a baby pony?

The need to kill isn't the same thing as the need for sex, and I don't know if this is the equivalent of porn for those seeking to satisfy the former...or if people that like this stuff have begin to mix the two interchangeably. No, feeling the need to kill or do harm doesn't necessarily make fans of this stuff killers, but I would imagine that they feel that need. I've yet to see a guro-fan willing to hold a sensible conversation, so I really don't feel comfortable making any conclusions about it. I just really struggle to call guro a legitimate contradicts the intimacy of sex and mutilation cannot occur in a healthy manner, by nature.

Back to your point, I don't think we'll ever be made aware if someone treats this like porn or not, and it'll just stay here as a consequence of the rules.
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Anonymous8: To be honest, I seen worse.
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Anonymous9: Fluffy Ponies: What's drawn isn't half as bad as what's written

Man up, all of you
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NolaCeris: >I know there are a lot of people that look down on this fandom, but the haters aren't exactly putting themselves in a good light by making things like this.

I'm not sure this is done by a hater
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bAv-R34: I hate it when the character being killed is halfway sentient and can't even speak coherently in the first place.
Like Jar Jar.

Anywho, my jimmies remain unrustled, and nothing of value was lost.
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Anonymous10: I don't see what you fags are complaining about. Sure this is some attention-whore shit, but their just "fluffy ponies"

Those threads are annoying as fuck on /mlp/, always clogging up the front page
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Anonymous11: Reported for TK
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NolaCeris: >Those threads are annoying as fuck on /mlp/, always clogging up the front page

True. /mlp/ itself is very annoying though
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NolaCeris: Fluffy pony threads are a cancer of /mlp/
/mlp/ is a cancer of 4chan
4chan is a cancer of US
US is a cancer of Earth
Fluffy pony threads are so cancer, it should be spelled as "kancer"
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Anonymous12: You.Sick.FUCK!!
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Anonymous13: You should really kill yourself

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