punkbone: yes im not a fan of this shitty porn. Especially when someone, Already has posted the same pic and a link to get the rest of the comic a month ago. And then somebody else Decide to repost it again. like it is something brandnew. it gets kind of annoying don't you agree???
Anonymous2: Yes, totally..
Ahem, my main point is that I hate this kind of lame rape/mindbreak scenario... what comes next, tentacles? gross... and a big fat yawn.
punkbone: i agree with you and i really hate rape in general whether it is fake or real. it is just really messed up in my opinion to see stuff like this.
Anonymous4(3): i remember this comic before. i actually liked it. wish i could see it in full again. not exactly sure what your problem is punkbone, but you need to chill
Anonymous5: Or you could just...you know...stop looking at this kind of porn. It's not exactly a difficult thing to do. Unless you LIKE this kind of porn, of course, in which case it's understandable that you'd have a difficult time stopping.
But since you hate it so much, it should be pretty easy to quit.
punkbone: and i also could dye my pubic hair grey and call it old man but truth is that nothing really changed beside the color of the pubic hair. just like how people say they well change who they are but instead they are really lying to them self who they really are. in my case im truly not a fan of this type of porn. and it is hard to pretend that it not their when it is staring right at you in it awfulness of a pic. do you understand what i mean?
Anonymous7: Punkbone I think you're actually retarded. Stop being such a fucking crybaby and stop looking at it. You could TELL from the thumbnail, or the first picture what it was so just leave it alone and stop being such a whiny bitch and grow the fuck up.
Anonymous12: Damn a fictional character is being raped? lets all pretend its a real human and cry until it gets taken down, seriously everyone complaining sounds like a child, if you dont like it dont click on it.
Anonymous13: @punkbone: You really need to chill the fuck out. It's not like this is the only Korra picture there is. Not to mention it's a fake scenario of a fake character. Do you react the same with other characters from all other shows/games? I bet you're one of those hypocrits who just goes and searches these JUST to put something stupid on it. Now if you don't mind, I am going to fap.
Anonymous14: Punkbone your a fag stupid bitch the shit isn't even real and there are so many things depicted that should be banned that are used for entertainment reasons but are acceptable because it's only your choice to see them. So if don't like it get the fuck out dumbass
Anonymous15: Even though its not real, it encourages the idea that rape really isn't that bad. Once you start the girl will realize that she likes it, so rape is ok. I know its a fictional character, but it's just not a good message to get out there.
Anonymous16: You could say the same thing about murder in mainstream media. Which is arguably worse because #1, it's murder which results in the extinguishing of a life
and #2, it is acceptable in mainstream media so massive amounts of the world's population is desensitized to it.
Anonymous18(15): Anon 16, that's a great point. Murder in mainstream media is a terrible thing and can potently affect a person's actions. The truth is though, it is much more likely for a person to get raped than murdered, and things like this that give a message that women actually enjoy rape isn't helping. I understand that korra isn't a real person, and no one was hurt in the making of this comic, but it makes me upset when rape is portrayed as a okay thing. It would be better if korra didn't enjoy it and the rape was actually depicted as the terrible, disgusting thing it is.
Anonymous20: I think it's pretty hot...and if you're going to start a crusade against rape-based hentai/rule 34/drawn porn, you've got a longggg road ahead of you.
So just fuck off and let people enjoy the porn they like. Go masturbate to whatever you want.
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Ahem, my main point is that I hate this kind of lame rape/mindbreak scenario... what comes next, tentacles? gross... and a big fat yawn.
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But since you hate it so much, it should be pretty easy to quit.
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Then I guess you would also outlaw murder being depicted for films, books, and video games.
and #2, it is acceptable in mainstream media so massive amounts of the world's population is desensitized to it.
So just fuck off and let people enjoy the porn they like. Go masturbate to whatever you want.