Anonymous2: Not bad, but legs are STILL out of perspective. You've given her 8 year old legs onb a 40 year old body. Good idea, but sort the legs out FFS.
Anonymous6: Lois; "OH! Er, ah, Hi, Peter! I w as choking again, and, luckily, Jerome was heah to SAVE Me, again! Unfortunately, the blockage was so far down, the Heimlich would work, and, Jerome was trying to get it up FAR enough, so that it would! Yeah, that's it!"
Jerome; "You okay, brother, We Cool?"
Peter; "Yeah, Jerome, and, thanks for saving My Wife! See, some other guys might think something was going on, but, if a Man can't trust His Wife and, His Friends, well, what is going on with this World!?"
Jerome; "So You're COOL with it, if I teach Chris, and, We BOTH practice with Meg(Muffled Squeal, in background!)?!"
Peter; "Naah, it sounds like a good idea, gives the Family MORE Protection, and, it'll give 'em BOTH, something to do! Maybe You could teach Lois how to do it, too?!"
Jerome; "Sure Peter, I'd LOVE TO!"
Anonymous7: Lois; "OH! Er, ah, Hi, Peter! I was choking again, and, luckily, Jerome was heah to SAVE Me, again! Unfortunately, the blockage was so far down, the Heimlich would work, and, Jerome was trying to get it up FAR enough, so that it would! Yeah, that's it!"
Jerome; "You okay, Brother, We Cool?"
Peter; "Yeah, Jerome, and, thanks for saving My Wife! See, some other guys might think something was going on, but, if a Man can't trust His Wife and, His Friends, well, what is going on with this World!?"
Jerome; "So You're COOL with it, if I teach Chris, and, We BOTH practice with Meg(Muffled Squeal, in background!)?!"
Peter; "Naah, it sounds like a good idea, gives the Family MORE Protection, and, it'll give 'em BOTH, something to do! Maybe You could teach Lois how to do it, too?!"
Jerome; "Sure Peter, I'd LOVE TO!"
Lois; "And So would I, Peter!"
Pro tip: If you've got the dots all around the line art where you color with some kind of fill tool, then your art isn't advanced enough to share.
Jerome; "You okay, brother, We Cool?"
Peter; "Yeah, Jerome, and, thanks for saving My Wife! See, some other guys might think something was going on, but, if a Man can't trust His Wife and, His Friends, well, what is going on with this World!?"
Jerome; "So You're COOL with it, if I teach Chris, and, We BOTH practice with Meg(Muffled Squeal, in background!)?!"
Peter; "Naah, it sounds like a good idea, gives the Family MORE Protection, and, it'll give 'em BOTH, something to do! Maybe You could teach Lois how to do it, too?!"
Jerome; "Sure Peter, I'd LOVE TO!"
Jerome; "You okay, Brother, We Cool?"
Peter; "Yeah, Jerome, and, thanks for saving My Wife! See, some other guys might think something was going on, but, if a Man can't trust His Wife and, His Friends, well, what is going on with this World!?"
Jerome; "So You're COOL with it, if I teach Chris, and, We BOTH practice with Meg(Muffled Squeal, in background!)?!"
Peter; "Naah, it sounds like a good idea, gives the Family MORE Protection, and, it'll give 'em BOTH, something to do! Maybe You could teach Lois how to do it, too?!"
Jerome; "Sure Peter, I'd LOVE TO!"
Lois; "And So would I, Peter!"