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TagsBulma_Briefs, Dragon_Ball_(series), Oolong, featured_image, muscarine
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Info854x705 // 328KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: omg look that feet! so nice
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Anonymous2: They look almost like fingers... xD
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Decanter: Featured.

The voice actress for Bulma died days ago of aortic dissection, one of the many ways pregnancy can fuck you over if you are in anything but the most perfect health and constantly monitored by doctors. Don't worry though, I'm sure someone will gather the dragon balls and fix everything, making this a doomed timeline.

Also Malcolm Young died. Go pay tribute at >>730647 if you want.

Artist for this work is muscarine. Be sure to check out the gallery; it's small but quality.
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The_Bosses_Phantom: Rip
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Goldax: When someone dies, I learn about it thanks to this site.
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neo4812: @Decanter: she died? why is it always on a porn site that i find outs these things?
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TheJackingDerp: I figured it would only be a matter of time before something of Bulma would be featured due to recent events
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Anonymous3: @Goldax: same lmao
also wasn't she dr fraiser on stargate sg-1? yeah rip
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NynDeezNutz: Rip Bulma. The Best Dragon Ball girl,
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Anonymous4: Back in Black...wait, wrong image.
@Anonymous: oh? I only knew her from SG1 in that case, I've never heard the dub version of Dragon Ballz, only seen the original Jap voices with subs.
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Anonymous5(4): oh never mind, its the original jap actress that died. Damn, I guess I did know her voice after all.
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Anonymous6: gomeifuku wo inorimasu, hiromi tsuru
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Anonymous7: this was the best bulma porn you could find to feature? smh
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Fur_Reaper: @Goldax: That's a kinda disturbing fact to know but yeah!
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Anonymous8: RIP to Ms. Tsuru and her in all likelihood still super-tight vagina, being Asian and shit.
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Anonymous9: Dragon Ball Z was my first Anime
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Anonymous10: same
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Anonymous11: Wow, she was 57 when she got pregnant and died?
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Anonymous12: And her final words in dragon ball super were:

“Good luck everybody!”
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O_Rly: Lol no, she wasn't pregnant. Painful way to go though, it's sad to think she suffered all alone like that.
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Farfegnugen: I knew her better for her role as Ukyo Kuonji from Ranma 1/2 since Ranma was a big thing back in the early days of American anime. R.I.P. I think her last official role as Bulma will be in Dragon Ball FighterZ. Other notable roles she did was Meryl Stryfe (Trigun), Kim Kabirov (Macross), Shakuyaku (One Piece), and Naomi Hunter (Metal Gear Solid)

@neo4812 @Goldax: Because you don't know how to read the news. This has been announced 4 days ago. Fucking kids.
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Chupacabra555: Pretty much when you see a featured image that isn't of some obscure character getting the 'Rule 34' treatment, or of some truly exceptional piece of art, then its probably about the passing of someone related to the art piece.
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Decanter: @Anonymous: Use contraception, kids.
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Richardthedragon: Vegeta is currently looking for the Dragon Balls.... He's gonna make that dragon bring her back, one way or another...
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Anonymous13: Heh. Hard on.
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Puffball: Doubt she was pregnant at the time, but if she suffered from high blood pressure that would have been a more likely cause as to why the tear even happened. Man, what a way to go. It sounds like it was relatively quick: she had a sudden sharp, ripping pain that she slowed down and turned on her hazards for, and her aorta ruptured. She might have lost consciousness in between, she might not have. A tear in one layer of the aorta muscle layers is one thing, but rupturing won't happen unless there's a tear in all three. Anything else is treatable either with surgery or blood pressure medication.

Rest in peace, Hiromi-san :<
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betterthannothing: looks like shit
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Anonymous14: Boxing werstle
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Anonymous15: Vegeta: *grunt*
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Franco_Ferrer-San_Miguel: Rest in Peace, Hiromi Tsuru. You were among the greatest voice actors one could ever ask for. Great voice for Madoka, Bulma, and also Naomi Jaeger/Hunter. We'll see each other in Nangijala.

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