Does that mean all of her offspring will be inbred, hermaphroditic, drooly little redneck echidnas with misshapen heads and giant vagina cocks and stuff?
Please tell me they will be. I'm enjoying this mental image way too much.
Anonymous3(1): Little known fact: Freemasons are actually the biggest consumers of futa-based Tikal art in the history of the world. However, true to their insular and secretive nature, they desire to keep this tradition oathbound--and therefore pure and free of outside influence.
You actually have to learn a secret "handshake" before they'll let you join the Futa Fraternity of Mexico, which involves contorting your body in such a way that you manage to stick your dick up your own butt. Freemasons routinely release the secret to this intense ritual through art pieces such as this, which must be discovered, recognized, studied and interpreted by those looking to gain access to the arcane stash of big boobed dick girls.
Does that mean all of her offspring will be inbred, hermaphroditic, drooly little redneck echidnas with misshapen heads and giant vagina cocks and stuff?
Please tell me they will be. I'm enjoying this mental image way too much.
You actually have to learn a secret "handshake" before they'll let you join the Futa Fraternity of Mexico, which involves contorting your body in such a way that you manage to stick your dick up your own butt. Freemasons routinely release the secret to this intense ritual through art pieces such as this, which must be discovered, recognized, studied and interpreted by those looking to gain access to the arcane stash of big boobed dick girls.
As you can see, Crucius is already a member.