bAv-R34: @Anonymous: THIS THIS THIS
It irritates the fuck out of me when people censor themselves when talking irl. Makes me want to light them on fire with an empty zippo.
Anonymous3(1): @PinkBallons: I don't really like it in MLP fics either, because it makes all their ordinary day words vulgar.
Though, we could just say it's the same as rape vs rape fields...
Anonymous4: I'm fine with buck but what I hate is when "plot" is used by ponies in-universe in fics, comics etc. Only tolerable as a fandom joke term for ass.
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I tend not to use fuck either, it sounds silly.
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It irritates the fuck out of me when people censor themselves when talking irl. Makes me want to light them on fire with an empty zippo.
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Though, we could just say it's the same as rape vs rape fields...
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Never liked buck/fuck replacement either.
It's like homestuck. Getting fucking everywhere and ruining it.