Domcis: Really now. I don't want to spoil anyone's fun, but if there's a clear difference between the original art and the edited ones, can you really treat this as a whole, finished project? I only saw one edit that was convincing enough and it was the only one I could approve of. It's like drawing tits on Mona Lisa's chest with a pencil and then wanking off to it. You know, stupid.
Roflmann: @Domcis: Tbh, this is a pornographic piece. To a vast majority of it's demographic, it's the result that counts. Here we have a nice, clean edit with artwork beyond the level of the average R34 contributor. Yes, one might argue that a fully realized original artwork would take more effort, and maybe it does, but in the end we are here to find stuff to jerk off to, and higher quality tends to attract bigger audiences.
ibonihskrad: Remember, this is a site for porn of existing characters, not an art website like hentai-foundry, deviantart, or pixiv. As such, the originality of the art (edits, tracing, what have you) shouldn't really be a factor, since this isn't the place for art, it's a place for porn. Of course, we would like the porn to look nice, so better artists usually means better porn, but that doesn't change what the site as a whole is actually about.
TheOneandOnlyKirby: @Domcis: I understand where you're coming from. These edits are'nt really my thing as well. But I don't mind them too much because this site wasn't made for just MY preference. We have to share the pr0n :D. (Literally if it were up to me this would be a loli only site lol)
Domcis: Don't get me wrong, I'm not debating whether or not this should be here or anywhere, I'm perfectly aware of the whole point of 34. It just surprised me how the usually picky community is so positive about the edits that, in my opinion, aren't all that exceptional. That's all, now I'm getting out of democracy's way :)
deadbee: I for one, am a fan of almost any edit. The only way to get better is to practice, and mah_laser has come out with some pretty good stuff in the past, so i'm looking forward to the next one.
Hastafix: I have a reqeust for you and i hope you are willing to fullfill it. Could you do one of Quinn
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