Decanter: If he exists in a quantum superposition, as he generally does when any question arises, featured!
Seriously though, no one should vote for this waffling cunt; he'd rather get rid of Sesame Street and indeed everything you love than close tax loopholes or admit corporations aren't people.
Anonarchist: corporations are people. large groups of people who already voted and donated their own money. the constitution was founded on the idea that those people should get to vote twice and donate secret money they don't own. all men are created equal until the voodoo magic of the "free market" makes them better than everyone else. it's all right there in the deceleration of independence, people.
Anonymous18: Well shit we even have the cult of obama in a place that is about cartoon porn and black humor? Eh, both of them can suck a dick actually. ACTUALLY WHY DON'T WE MAKE THAT A FEATURE YOU FAGS?
The_Elder_Troll: Damnit decanter now we are gonna have a fucking Internet war about elections, also for that anon that called Obama a "Lying attractive and successful African" why do you have to be disrespectful? You have the right to your own opinion but no need to word it like that. I bid you good day, and wish you see the error of your disrespectful ways.
JWN926: Better than voting for the asshole who's been deliberately putting our country down the shitter for 4 years. Bathhouse Barry can go back to sucking it.
Stilleto: @JWN926: It takes more than four years to clean up the mess left over after 8 years of basically having an overgrown toddler in the White House. A toddler who, if I may remind you, was a Republican.
And, just like any toddler, he went about playing with all the toys he could find, and then left the mess behind for someone else to deal with.
COMPUTER_LOVE: Well finally a good feature!
Not saying I like men or "Bigbird" But this is better than some of the other shit that came up..
acw: @ZB - The serious answer is that Seseme Street is perfectly capable of operating entirely in the private sector. The market is there and even if it was the proper role of government to subsidize Seseme Street, now is not the time, and even the relatively slight excesses of government fat need to be trimmed.
greeblie: Government money is less than 5% of Sesame Street's revenue, which is MASSIVE, thanks to merchandising. They could lose all government money and never notice.
But have YOU noticed that the new Democrat excuse for failure seems to be that Republicans have superpowers? Puny Dems.
What is best in life?
Crush the Democrats. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their womenlike men and mannish women.
tsstevens: I'm not gonna get drawn into the politics but I will say I will be waiting with baited breath to see whether or not Romney is indeed f...plucked.
Anonymous25: @Anonymous 18, greeblie, etc.: Which president's actions nearly made this site illegal? Which same president made changes to the rules of this site necessary? Republican polititians, (especially the reactionary neocons that now dominate national politics) HATE things like Paheal. If you hate it too, then why are you here?
beansNcornflakes: Somebody should print off this picture and send it to mitt XD
Although you'd probably have the fucking PaedoBear standing outside your door in less than a few hours, but it would be funny while it lasted!
Anonymous28: @Anonymous: And Democrats are supposed to be any better? The same Democrats who suck Hollywood's wrinkly Jew cock and would get this place shut down in the name of copyright infringement? While a Republican pushed SOPA, it was actually written by some kike MAFIAA shill Democrat who also was responsible for ACTA. Also keep in mind these changes to the site didn't happen until after Obama became President. The leftists are diehard moralfags too (they're the ones who got Rapelay banned and those two lolicons jailed).
Seriously, if you value freedom, think voting makes a difference, and aren't voting Gary Johnson, you're doing it wrong.
Anonymous29: That dumb ass dick head Mitt Romney that's exactly what he get's getting butt raped by Big Bird. 4 more years for president Barack Obama and who ever disagrees then fuck you.
Farfegnugen: How to make internet rage. Just something political, something anti-political. You can say your voting for a cow and someone out there will get really pissed at you for saying that.
Anonymous37(18): @Anonymous: I never said I hated this site. Learn to read you cunt. Also as that sentence states Obama and Romney need to suck a dick. Make THAT a feature.
Anonymous38(14): so i wonder how many voters won't vote for either of these assholes and just do the write-in candidate? i'm very tempted to do that. fuck both of these assholes. either way america is fucked.
Anonymous46: JWN is retarded, if you're in debt, it requires some sort of spending to get out of it, thus creating more of a debt, it's not magic people.
Decanter: The Porkyman thing is intentional, and as someone who is sometimes in the know, I'm guessing some Nintendo lawyerdrone sent out a request that we stop using the word Porkyman on our site or take down all our Porkyman pics, and wiiaboo didn't want to fight them for some reason, probably lack of time/energy/money.
I'd change the red text up top, but that'd make the ruse less effective.
Anonymous48(14): @Decanter: FUCK YEAH. i don't know about everyone else, but i fucking love word filters. and i also love trickery of the admins to fuck with nintendo.
RogerTheRabbit: @Decanter: So the rumors were true, Nintedo is cracking down on Porkyman porn? Just the past few weeks they've hit hard on many Japanese h-artist and threatened them with jail for using Porkyman characters. Fuck this shit, the world is getting censorship happy lately. Leave the internet alone, you shithead corporate fucks!
TongueTwister: Eh, Anyways,
We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION for the United States of America.
Anonymous51: If you think that the huge businesses (when corporate profit margins are at an all time high) need less regulation and vaginas need more regulation. You deserve to get roflstomped.
Anonymous52: @TomTornadoes
The system is rigged to favor the two major zog serving parties, smaller parties dont even get proportional representation like the yuropoors do.
People like Johnson have no chance
"Umad Republifags?"
"Republifags are so damn retarded."
As retarded as faphappy, 13-year-old chan-dwelling pieces of shit who are too much of fucking witless fucking retards to use creative or original speech, and just fall into constant fagchan speak every time they go to say something like the collective heap of shit they are? The amount of cliched dumfuckery on this page alone makes me want to puke. DON'T JUST PUT "FAG" ON THE END OF EVERY WORD YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNTS! RE-PUB-LI-CAN = RE-PUB-LI-CUNT. See how much better that sounds? Also, it works, because Republicans are cunts. Yes, I know Republicans are fags, too, but that's beside the point.
Anonymous58: Someday, if I make enough money, and the republicans stop marketing themselves as anti intellectual religious hillbillies, I'll change the way I vote. I hate the Liberal ethos of getting involved in your personal life and telling you what to eat and what you cant hear in music or see on TV. I'm stuck voting for these pussies now, but hopefully not forever.
Backwalk: @Anonymous: Agree fully. Used to be Republicans had some sort of intellectual background. Take Buckley, for example. Nowadays, it's all about how fucking stupid you can keep people. You can FEEL your IQ drop the longer you watch Fox News.
Anonymous59: Anon18/37, you faggot, I don't want to see Obama and Romney sucking each other's dicks. If you're into that shit, go look at some gay porn site.
Nightweaver20xx: @Lapp
That's how the whole history of the world has ever worked, ever. People with the power to do shit and make other people do shit can and will tell you how to live and what to do, and if you don't do it, they just send endless armies of zombies and gundams at you until you either comply or die like a little bitch.
Krawczyk: Roger: gets funnier than that. Pokeporn overtook all their official sites on nearly every search engine. That's why they so buttmads. Notice they didn't bother giving a shit about Mario which is their FLAGSHIP character.
Be like Capcom raising a stink about Street Fighter but not caring about Megaman or Darkstalkers.
The youtube embed is broken, but if it weren't I'm sure Wiiaboo would have linked some Avenue Q up in here.
Anonymous67: @forest13 I'm not sure how to tell you this, but you're adopted. "Ex-male" does not mean they can bear children, they only have an inside-out penis. :(
Who drew this?!
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Were you just there with pencil and paper ready when you were watching the debate? Lmao
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Creamy_Thang_: Thanks! :)
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Seriously though, no one should vote for this waffling cunt; he'd rather get rid of Sesame Street and indeed everything you love than close tax loopholes or admit corporations aren't people.
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Remember to go vote people!
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Elections, what are those?
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If Obama wins he gets the biggest fried chicken dinner in existence...
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We'll laugh our cares away.
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Nevahr forget that!!
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And pony identification systems.
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Once I realized that I stopped caring altogether.
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And, just like any toddler, he went about playing with all the toys he could find, and then left the mess behind for someone else to deal with.
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Not saying I like men or "Bigbird" But this is better than some of the other shit that came up..
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BTW >>963334 and >>963335
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But have YOU noticed that the new Democrat excuse for failure seems to be that Republicans have superpowers? Puny Dems.
What is best in life?
Crush the Democrats. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their womenlike men and mannish women.
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ya ... totally did it. ( and I'm in a swing state ) fucks given
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Although you'd probably have the fucking PaedoBear standing outside your door in less than a few hours, but it would be funny while it lasted!
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Seriously, if you value freedom, think voting makes a difference, and aren't voting Gary Johnson, you're doing it wrong.
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Now its a political discussions website.
All that we owe to Mitt Romney.
Fuck him.
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I'd change the red text up top, but that'd make the ruse less effective.
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We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION for the United States of America.
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The system is rigged to favor the two major zog serving parties, smaller parties dont even get proportional representation like the yuropoors do.
People like Johnson have no chance
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"Umad Republifags?"
"Republifags are so damn retarded."
As retarded as faphappy, 13-year-old chan-dwelling pieces of shit who are too much of fucking witless fucking retards to use creative or original speech, and just fall into constant fagchan speak every time they go to say something like the collective heap of shit they are? The amount of cliched dumfuckery on this page alone makes me want to puke. DON'T JUST PUT "FAG" ON THE END OF EVERY WORD YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNTS! RE-PUB-LI-CAN = RE-PUB-LI-CUNT. See how much better that sounds? Also, it works, because Republicans are cunts. Yes, I know Republicans are fags, too, but that's beside the point.
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That's how the whole history of the world has ever worked, ever. People with the power to do shit and make other people do shit can and will tell you how to live and what to do, and if you don't do it, they just send endless armies of zombies and gundams at you until you either comply or die like a little bitch.
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Be like Capcom raising a stink about Street Fighter but not caring about Megaman or Darkstalkers.
The youtube embed is broken, but if it weren't I'm sure Wiiaboo would have linked some Avenue Q up in here.
Dude, too late. Capcom hasn't given a shit about Megaman for years. Unless its a DS shitfest.
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(just kidding, >_>)
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What i meant was that there was no porn for it on r34.
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Now: Less talky, more fappy!