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TagsFriendship_is_Magic, My_Little_Pony, Spike, Twilight_Sparkle, animated, tg-0
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Roflcakes: Dunno what Spike's so glum about... I don't know if I'd mind being magically forced to pleasure Twilight.

1 hour and 40 minutes to go!
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leacheate_soup: heh
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Anonymous1: @Roflcakes: 20 minutes more! My body is ready.
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BranislavDJ: hahahha
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PinkBallons: Where are you guys streaming it from?
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PinkBallons: Well, that was better than the previous season premiere in my opinion.
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Anonymous2(1): @PinkBallons: Hmm, I expected a little better. I'm disappointed Sombra didn't get to show off himself and turned out a quite boring villain, he barely had any speaking lines and didn't directly interact with the mane cast.
But the 2-parter had some good moments. Hope the rest of the season will be on par with the previous 2, if not better.
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PinkBallons: @Gomenasai: Yeah, but I wasn't expecting much out of Sombra so I'm cool with it. I was actually cringing at times while watching the season 2 premiere; this one didn't feel as forced.
I enjoyed the shadow/crystal theme, and it was fucking awesome when Twi reversed gravity.
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Roflcakes: Fuckin' streams were all full when I went to find you guys.

--------- MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD ---------

What I liked: The score, The crystal kingdom, TEE HEE CRYSTAL PONY ANTICS, pretty much everything else.

What I didn't like: Seath the Scaleless Sombre being completely 2 dimensional, Sombre having a terrible voice, Sombre doing fucking NOTHING but float around the entire time, Sombre being defeated in the first 2 episodes (for some reason I assumed he'd be a constant villain over the length of the entire season).
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PinkBallons: @Roflcakes: Yeah, I got into #7 I think, but none of you guys were there. Sadfaced hard, but still had some laughs at the comments.
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geogy22: LOL
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BranislavDJ: @Roflcakes:

He had no other purpose ,other then just looking scary . He didn't do anything,there was no fight or anything ...
he was just there to be there
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Hierolocc: @PinkBallons:

Apparently me and Gomen were in room nine, though I never saw him.

He was a boring villain. I know they have to make stories for each episode, but the opening and closing eps for a season are so critical that you've gotta have something special. Sombra was a wuss that got less done as a villain than fucking Plankton.

The Crystal Empire being a locus of the Good and Evil of the world, amplifying the dominant force across everything was Interesting, but we got absolutely nothing about it but the barest basics.

There was just so little that actually happened.
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Tenure: @Hierolocc: I'm thinking they're going to have a little more about it later on in the season.
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PinkBallons: I may have been getting the Season 2 premiere mixed up with the Season 2 ending. Derp. Discord was awesome, and I wish they would bring back a villain like him.
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Faptacular: Had my DVR catch it for me. And Littlest Pet Shop (which I'm not watching anymore of.)

Frankly I'm relieved. I was so worried Sombra was gonna be and over-the-top douche-king of OCishness that I've been cringing for weeks.
Some awesome Pinkie moments, awesome Rarity moments. Wish Fluttershy and Applejack had more to do. Liked the jousting bit, I've actually been wondering if they had a version of it.

Was anyone else getting the implication that Cadence and Armor are now the sovereign rulers of the Crystal Empire?
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PinkBallons: @Faptacular: That would be awesome, actually.
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Anonymous3: they fixed the plot hole with the ponies pulling trains that had an engine.
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Hierolocc: @Faptacular:

That actually was the high point for me. My biggest bitching about Cadence was how she seemed to serve no big purpose. Cele and Luna control the day/night cycle, so what does Cadence do, be a princess? That made me raeg a bit.

Now I think that perhaps Celestia and Luna are grooming her to take on a cosmic role of her own, and given teh Crystal Empire's special traits, I could see that fitting in well. Though I doubt they'll go into something like that sadly.

On reflection, I actually like Sombra a bit more. Here's why.

He doesn't talk except for a few simple phrases, which lent him a sort of primal, ancient feel, like he was a singular creature neither pony nor dragon nor spirit or anything else that existed in the world. Like he was some misbegotten spawn of Cxaxukluth that came to earth with Tsathoggua from Saturn in primordial times and merely took the guise of Equestrian life.

And the Crystal Empire itself lent to that. It was an ancient kingdom of the north, beautiful and shining and with a rich culture, that fell and was lost and enveloped in a polar wasteland, very much in the fashion of Clark Ashton Smith's Hyperborea.

We don't see really anything of the times before Luna's banishment, and I think it would be spectacular to see an Equestria that is wholly alien to the world we know today.

But once again, ancient and terrible beasts from space and proemal days hardly make for proper children's toys, so I have little hope for that depiction.
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bAv-R34: Well the villain might have been disappointing, but I like how he at least put a lot of thought in advance when laying down curses and traps in the castle. When Twilight got to the cursed door, I legitimately thought that Twilight had actually failed her mission and I had just a smidgeon of a feel since I don't like her too much. Then Spike, a character I dislike just as much, had the vision of being cast away, that one really gave me a few feels. I also found it interesting that Twilight had used dark magic to try and get to the heart, so that showed that even the supposedly pure characters will resort to doing bad deeds to get to their positive goals. Oh, and there was also the gravity manipulation thing with the stairway to Heaven that was pretty neat. And the anti-noclipping spell on her prison? Damn, that was pretty clever. I fucking lost it when Shining threw Cadance like a goddamn airplane, although I would have liked it if Sombra had actually DONE something other than be a useless dark and looming presence.

All in all, it wasn't TOO bad. At least the ending explained the presence of the crystal pony minifigs.
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Anonymous4(1): @bAv-R34: Yep, the whole 2-parter is an excuse to sell ponies in clear plastic.

Anyway, is it just me or the series is getting, I don't know, more over the top? I mean weird moments that somehow feel out of place, like Twilight reacting so hard that the whole library oak propelled high in the sky. Or Spike pulling pillows and helmet off screen to prepare himself for it, this is something normally only Pinkie would do.
And even Pinkie wasn't this random in S1, what's with night vision goggles and disguising as Fluttershy.

I'm fearing it's becoming Looney Tunes with ponies.
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PinkBallons: @Gomenasai: Dunno, Spike has done similar things in the past, like "popping" Twilight's thought bubbles during Lesson Zero. But yes, I agree that the library flight was out of place, and Pinkie does seem to be progressively more random.
It doesn't seem to be letting up either, considering the army of Pinkies in that preview.
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Lady_Nikko_Chan69: ^HaHa "Stay outta my shead!"
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Anonymous5: With a Female magic master mind. She can technicaly rape her self when ever she want and they can cum
Inside her pussy without any side effects of a child. Twi gets + 10 for best porn pony.
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SuitedRabbit: ok thats hilarious..
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Anonymous6: One word. Whiplash.

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