Anonymous2: Making this canon is the only way to save Sinfest from the wannabe white-knight wuss the author has turned himself into in his desperate attempts to bed a feminist.
Anonymous3: I have to say that this is the perfect artist to take on parodying this idiotic feminist crap that Sinfest fell into. So, here's hoping for more.
Deathcock: Why would you even want to lay a feminist? There's so many better women out there. Just don't play by their rules at all. Ignore every one of those cunts, no matter HOW good looking they are.
MetalixK: Let me correct you all, Second-Wave feminism suck all the life out of Sinfest. That's the mindset that basically says all men are the enemy and sex is rape no matter what. (I.E. the stereotypical feminist.) If he'd gotten into third wave feminism which is generally more open and sex friendly.
Or he could let that trike riding shit-stain and her buddies take some lumps like literally every last character in this comic!
Seitengrat22475: The sad thing is that he could have approached the feminism issue like he'd done with just about everything else up til 2011, or just gave her no special treatment whatsoever, and let her develop her own identity over time. Instead, he's made these Sisterhood characters (save the granny, maybe) these sanctimonious, unlikeable, one-dimensional cunts that we're meant to think are always in the right... not to mention that they've completely taken over the strip in the process. It's just like watching John Cena!
And I have to wonder why Twatsuya decided that feminism is such a sacred cow all of a sudden. Most likely, he has some Madonna-whore issues to work out, or his girlfriend went Lysistrata on his ass.
Anonymous9: @Seitengrat22475: It's the girlfriend thing. He started dating one of these 'all men are evil rapists and should be castrated' third wave feminists cunts, and she 'opened his eyes'.
Seitengrat22475: In that case, the only reason why she'd be with him, that I can think of, is that she just wanted a eunuch pet to have around. With that in mind, I'll go out on a limb and guess that there could be some NTR elements coming for the strip in the future.
tom641: I almost wish he'd just gone ahead and made it all about shitty "feminism" stuff so i'd never have an excuse to look back, but he can clearly still make funny comics when he's staying far away from Xanthe and her merry band of testicle stompers.
Anonymous10: @MetalixK: Every wave of feminism has shit embedded in it. The First Wave was perfectly fine shaming guys off to war while they tried to buck their own gender role. The whole idea of the mother being a default parent came from this.
Second Wave Feminism had all that counterculture crap wrapped up into it and so it runs the line between MTV-esque poets who make absolutely no sense or people who mix it up with communism, equating women with the proletariat. Let's not forgot all that bra burning. That sure accomplished a lot.
And now you have Third Wave Feminism which perfectly embodies the Kurt Vonnegut predicted outcome of everyone trying to out victim each other while imposing equality of outcome. Making people into self-loathing sycophants or ignorant hypocrites desperately trying to find something to be indignant about to justify their own existence. "I know guys, that boy is taking up too much room on that half empty train! Feminism powers activate!"
Anonymous11: We need a comic where she gets bomf'd and turned into one of the most sexy and slutty succubuses ever. That'll be a punishment suitable for the likes of her and ALL her cohorts!
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(also we need more porn of the devil bimbos)
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Sinfest is lame though. No plot at all.
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Or he could let that trike riding shit-stain and her buddies take some lumps like literally every last character in this comic!
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I think that's where it's heading.
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Ironically, the last time I heard that name was in an old Skinamax softcore flick.
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As if the little sausage could be any more of a damn sue.
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And I have to wonder why Twatsuya decided that feminism is such a sacred cow all of a sudden. Most likely, he has some Madonna-whore issues to work out, or his girlfriend went Lysistrata on his ass.
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Second Wave Feminism had all that counterculture crap wrapped up into it and so it runs the line between MTV-esque poets who make absolutely no sense or people who mix it up with communism, equating women with the proletariat. Let's not forgot all that bra burning. That sure accomplished a lot.
And now you have Third Wave Feminism which perfectly embodies the Kurt Vonnegut predicted outcome of everyone trying to out victim each other while imposing equality of outcome. Making people into self-loathing sycophants or ignorant hypocrites desperately trying to find something to be indignant about to justify their own existence. "I know guys, that boy is taking up too much room on that half empty train! Feminism powers activate!"