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LurkIt: To rule, or to be ruled, that is here the question.
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Anonymous1: LINK DIED!!!.........MAXIMUM DISSATISFACTION!! >:(
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Blizz: Zelda is hot, but the way they're parading Link's skull in front of her is fucked up.
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Anonymous2: Artist is edgy as fuck
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Tempro: Honestly feedback is bit of double standards, yes link skull in is 'fucked up' but so is rape, is zelda's rape more disturbing then gnarl parading a skull of link? Both are as bad but gnarl is a bad guy. If its aimed to shock then good that's the objective.
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Anonymous3: @Blizz: What can you say? It's Evil. :D
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Blizz: @Tempro: Yes, I would say that someone getting killed is more disturbing than someone getting raped. Are you of a different opinion?
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Anonymous4: Compared to Ganondorf the Overlord actually Conqure with his own bare hands while ganon sit on his ass.

Ofcourse Link wouldn't stand a chance against Evil that hardcore.
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Anonymous5: shut up faggots
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Anonymous6: Plot twist: it's the Fifth Overlord, who, in addition to being Overlad's son, is also Link('s yet another reincarnation).
He is parading his own (well, past life's) skull.
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Anonymous7: @Blizz: How do we know it really is Link's skull? It could be any skull with a stupid hat.
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Anonymous8(7): @Anonymous: Only Link had the guts to wear that hat in public.

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