Romelia: looks more like the artist just got unimaginative with nyreen's body and just slapped on garrus for good measure... there were definitely tits on nyreen... how much? i dunno... but given the codex entries and artist sketches I'd assume there's some boobage... on another note nyreen here is a bit too thick...
x0IGAMERI0x: still she should have nipples. I mean how are Turian woman suppose to feed their young when they are born. Evolution wouldnt of allowed their species to live with out some sort of way to allow them to nurse their young when they are born. Jus like breasts on woman today thousands of years ago breat feeding was the only way to nurse your baby till it was old enough to be able to eat food. Plus breasts helped is I guess finding a mate cause woman with small breasts I guess would not be able to get a man but whatever. So unless the Turians lay eggs or something their woman should have breasts or at the least nipples to do stuff like breast feed.
Anonymous8: We need more solo Nyreen Kandros Stuff. I mean, it's not like aria hasn't got the art she deserves. There's been enough aria for one year. Or two.
Anonymous9: @x0IGAMERI0x: Truly, no one knows how they feed their new born young. But it had been stated in mass effect that Turian female give birth to live young.
Anonymous10: The same way birds feed their young once they've hatched and are screaming in their nest - they feed them ground up food from their mouths. And you'd think that maybe a space faring civilization might, just might, have gotten around the need for that? You know, how we have baby formula?
And breasts don't have anything to do with finding a mate unless your species actually has them.
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"Took you long enough!" seems more apt.
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Anyway, anyone wanna bet that those 'funny bumps' on Nyreen were where she stores her grenades?
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And breasts don't have anything to do with finding a mate unless your species actually has them.