SchwererGustav: @Anonymous: As sappy as it sounds, all the people and friends I know now are because of following sourced Paheal art posts so it just really burns my ass when people slap up art and don't bother to source or tag it correctly. Not to mention that's just common courtesy to the artist.
Anonymous6(2): @SchwererGustav: I'm just saying, there are plenty of posts here that aren't sourced or tagged right, but nobody gets mad about it, they just add a source and add to the tags. They don't make a comment about how the poster is a horrible person for not doing that themselves.
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If someone had a booty the size of the Death Star I'd be pretty damn worried.
Also, what the fuck makes a "twerk" sound during sex?
she's twerking it's like ... but dancing
also i don't know why people hate this it's a fucking joke XD