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TagsBlu3Danny, Crash_Bandicoot, Crash_Bandicoot_(series), Tiny_Tiger, featured_image
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Farfegnugen: New feature time.

Brendan O'Brien, the voice of Crash Bandicoot, passed away. "Woah", that sucks. He also voiced Tiny Tiger, Doctor Neo Cortex (in the first game), Doctor Nitrus Brio, and a host of others in the Crash series.
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JellyMeeMee777: Darn. I have played some Crash Bandicoot games before. RIP to the actor.
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Supa9090: Damn.
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Anonymous1: Im one of the first lol
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Anonymous2: Learned today that he apparently had a Jesuit education and started out his life academically studying comparative religion and making music, having a ton more to him than just being a voice actor. R.I.P.
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Violetty: OOF, now that's sad to hear. Crash Bash was one of my favourite games on the PS1 😭 RIP
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Suihtil_Cod: How has nobody reacted with a "Whoa!!" yet?
Probably 'cause y'all have more tact than I do.
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Anonymous3: RIPπŸ˜”πŸ’
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IffrytusMasakado: Never played and don't care.
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Raeb: bros in Heaven now
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Anonymous4: Woah this hit hard, Rest in Peace Brendan O'Brien.
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Anonymous5: Rest in Peace
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Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: No one with culture cares about Milse fucking token black Morales over this you idiot.
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Crimson-Snow: Well another part of my childhood literally dead. Crash series is one of my absolute favorite video game series. Rest in peace and thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping bring one of my favorite characters in all fiction to life. Gone from this mortal coil you may be but forgotten you shall never be.
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ohmanwhatsthis: @Anonymous: Because Crash Bandicoot is a well-documented buttslut for huge cocks, natch

Anyways, based feature
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Anonymous6: this is sick like coronavirus
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Anonymous7: Gay is love and Gay is s1d4 in the process πŸ˜„
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Puffball: Baaww :c RIP
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neo4812: @Farfegnugen: rip. I only played one crash game. Can't remember what one
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Anonymous8: @neo4812: rip. there's porn
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meow-meow: i thought with a name like 'Blu3Danny' it would be 3D
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hereforthehumor: aww, rip man, wild image to feature tho
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Anonymous9: RIP
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Anonymous10: RIP
Man...entering this page can sometimes be gloomy
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IffrytusMasakado: @Anonymous: EFFEMINATE.
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Crimson-Snow: It would've been nice if it had been a feature of Crash fucking Tawna or Coco or something but I guess this is an image with both him and TIny in it since same dude voice them. I still don't care for this rule that 99 % of features most be gross but I suppose there are probably a lot more people who like this image than we'd think.
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Datte-Before-Dawn: Damn, they really do be featuring anything at all nowadays, don't they
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Hentailicker93: RIP pal
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Farfegnugen: Princess Diana, is that you? (not changing it yet until more information is released.)
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bonerific: @Farfegnugen: She had it coming for racemixing with a Muslim shitstain
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Raeb: who else but @bonerific:
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bonerific: @Raeb: Well, yeah. It's all true. Her father & her family weren't so pleased with her throwing away her good genes at some Muslim rapefugee. They pretty much disowned her & hired a hitman to do away with both her & Muslim shitstain lover, & covered it up as an "accident," & since they own the British press, they had the power & money to fool millions.

TL;DR version: She's burned the coal, & ended up paying the toll. Even the elites themselves frown down upon racemixing cuckoldry.
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Raeb: @bonerific:
so in other words her family was getting cucked?

they were mad that she was getting that good dick from someone they didn't approve of?

I hope one of them walked in on it then just in time to see him nut on her

that still wouldn't justify murder but it would make it a little funnier to think of why they'd be so mad
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bonerific: @Raeb:
>so in other words her family was getting cucked?
Yes. Diana was blonde blue-eyed. They weren't very pleased with Diana's choice of man. Had she chosen a white guy, it would have been a different story.

>they were mad that she was getting that good dick from someone they didn't approve of?
To call it "good dick" is an overstatement. Her shitstain lover was a fucking degenerate rapefugee who didn't even deserve the crown.

>I hope one of them walked in on it then just in time to see him nut on her
Neither of them did. Both were killed in that car crash. You don't fuck with Royal blood, especially if you are part of the elite. Diana had to learn the hard way.

>that still wouldn't justify murder but it would make it a little funnier to think of why they'd be so mad
100% justified. Again, you don't fuck with Royal blood. Hundred years Jim Crow Laws outlawed such unions, & before that there were Inquisition laws (approved by the Church) that made such unions punishable by death. You do understand what "burn the coal, pay the toll" implies, right? Remember the OJ Simpson case? Same energy, except it was OJ who killed that coalburning roastie. Only through death can mudshark roasties be redeemed. Look up "Mudshark Madness". Plenty of examples of coalburners getting killed at the hands of their shitstain lovers & the media is silent about it.
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Anonymous11: this is supposed 2 be an equailvent 2 Angelo and Jeffrey ins gaming Inc. This is in theory a little kid and some old adult
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Farfegnugen: @bonerific: You said a thing and people reacted. That's so you.

No, "Prince" Harry wasn't in a “catastrophic” car accident like a bunch of outlets reported. Just a car chase from the paparazzi. Pfft, lame.
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Anonymous12: I hate how many times this site has told me about someone’s death
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Sharkjumper: @bonerific: I dunno man, I think race-mixing is something most royal families have a dire need for.
You have to do something to counteract all those generations of inbreeding after all.
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PartyCrasher: Whoa!
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Vick-Sin: If a new crash game comes out, then… who will voice crash now?
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PartyCrasher: @Vick-Sin: You know, I don't think black trans midegt cripples are represented enough in games, Crash should be voiced by a black trans midget cripple. Now that would be inclusive.
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PartyCrasher: @PartyCrasher: If you don't agree with this, then you're a racist sexist homophobic transphobic ableist bigot.
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Sharkjumper: @PartyCrasher: I dunno, can they do the voice right? If not they should probably play a different character.
But if watching Snapcube has shown me anything it's that transgender people tend to be good at voice acting. Probably has something to do with having to work on their own voices
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PartyCrasher: @Sharkjumper: Can they can do the voice right? That's not very inclusive of you, you bigot! Diversity is our strength! #PRIDE #BLM #UKRAINE #TRANSGENDER #LGBTQIADP+
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PartyCrasher: @Sharkjumper: Representation matters you transphobic piece of shit.
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Anonymous13: @PartyCrasher: kys feget
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: I was actually thinking Tom Kenny would be a great for the role of Crash.
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: I was joking you idiot.
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Anonymous14: @PartyCrasher:

Fuck your diversity you cisphobic piece of shit!
You seek acceptance from the same people you insult on a daily basis, get rekt!
We dont feel sorry for your shitty trans community who demand tolerance and acceptance for all your insanity while showing utter intolerance and contempt in return...
You get what you fucking deserve!
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Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: Dude, Partycrasher was obviously being sarcastic and trying to make an edgy "joke"
He's on your side, you horrible little man
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Anonymous15(5): @Sharkjumper: But you are on his side if he's serious right?
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Raeb: @Sharkjumper:
bro @Anonymous: is also joking. He figured out @PartyCrasher: was joking & was playing a long, in character. He HAS to be. There's no way that he's for real that fucking retarded!

NO ONE is that fucking retarded
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Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: No because even if was being serious he's missing the point entirely. Also adding the letter "P" to the LGBT acronym was a dead giveaway
@Raeb: After a certain point is there really any meaningful difference between being stupid and only pretending to be stupid?
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Raeb: @Sharkjumper:
yes of course. It would probably make the difference even MORE meaningful if anything. Pretending to be stupid & legit being stupid are like polar opposites & the more invested you are in the role you're playing the more impact it has
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bonerific: @Farfegnugen: The "paparazzi" thing was just a coverup. That coalburning whore & her Mudslime shitstain had it coming....& that's a good thing! Only good mudshark is a dead mudshark & the only good attractive and successful African is a dead attractive and successful African.

Burn the coal, pay the toll.
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bonerific: @Sharkjumper: You're a hypocrite.
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Raeb: @bonerific:
and you're sexy
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Sharkjumper: @Raeb: If you're pretending to be stupid without letting people know that it's an act, you're just gonna attract more stupid people who think you're one of them.
And occasionally the people who think that they're only pretending to be stupid turn out to actually be stupid in a different way.
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Raeb: @Sharkjumper:
day 126. They still haven't figured out I'm not one of them. They've accepted me as their leader

we're all stupid in one way or another

anytime I'm shitposting it's either
1. I'm playing a character & I'm trying to convince people I'm being serious. When this is the case, the topic is usually something I'm interested in & have a decent understanding of
2. I'm being sarcastic & it's an obvious joke. Sarcasm is WAY easier to understand through text than peeps like to pretend it is so they have no excuse. Irl when people are being sarcastic it's usually done in a deadpan so tone of voice is irrelevant
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notmacacos2: @Raeb: get their fuckin asses
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Anonymous16: @Raeb: How about more talk about the actual picture and the voice actor's death and less about a car wreck that happened decades ago with 0% to do with any of this? I mean, we all know boneric has shit for brains and will be unable to do something as easy as that, but can't the rest of you try to stay sortof on topic?
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Raeb: @Anonymous:

1. I already did that. "bros in Heaven now" - May 16 3:59
2. that conversation's done man. Move on. I only posted one comment that had anything to do with the car crash & that was 2 days ago
3. YOU talk about the voice actor & the picture. BE THE CHANGE you want to see little homie. You're being just as offtopic if you're talking about talking about the thing instead of talking about the thing. Start & others will follow. Build it & they will come
4. the comments in featured images can get wild. Get used to it
5. all respect to the guy but I haven't played a Crash game since I was a kid. I'm not gonna offer much to the conversation
6. ???
7. uh oh! Comment police! 5-0 5-0! Scatter!
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Anonymous17: @IffrytusMasakado: Seeing statements like yours honestly make me glad I actually take moments of silence whenever I hear about stuff like this. I don't do it for every person that's passed away, no, but I'd rather do it for the people I'm at least aware of than be as tactless as you and write some monstrous crap like that and call it a day.
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Anonymous18(17): @Raeb: It seems after all I was right about you: You *are* an apathetic, selfish asshole that's only here to masturbate and nothing else. You came to this picture to do nothing but start an argument that had nothing to do with the topic of the actual post, and vanished once you got bored. And that's such a miserable way to operate it's not even funny.
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Anonymous19(17): @Raeb: You told me I've no sense of humor when I talked about that one picture of that guy that painted his crotch to look like Mario's face. I'll admit that got to me, but after this exchange a seeing your latest comments, I can't believe I ever allowed your words to live rent-free in my head.
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Anonymous20(17): @Raeb: But you're right about one thing: I *do* have to be the change I want to see, because it beats being another part of the problem like you.
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Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: Eh, Rash isn't worth getting mad at, nor do they really deserve it either.
There are much worse people on this website than them
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Raeb: apathetic - yes
selfish - no
asshole - yes
I'm mostly here for the memes & to watch people get mad at the lolicon but yes I do tug from time to time
my first post on this image is pressing F, so no attempt at starting an argument there. I don't care about arguments. The only people I've really had any disagreements with in this thread are @bonerific: & @Sharkjumper:

and I like both of them. They're pretty cool in my book, so it's not like me arguing with them comes from any place of hostility or apathy

you were being pretty hostile toward the guy with the Mario dick, so you deserve to be called out as having no sense of humor

you're becoming even MORE a part of the problem by the second my homie
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Anonymous21: 😍😍 best one furry bara
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PartyCrasher: Looks like Tiny isn't so tiny down there.
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: Does anyone actually fap on this site? lol I mean with all the retarded fugly features on this site, I'm not so sure about that.
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IffrytusMasakado: @Anonymous: Someone died, that sucks. Someone died that was associated with a piece of media you really loved? I don't care. People die every day, it always sucks. being in the public eye doesn't make it worse.
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IffrytusMasakado: @PartyCrasher: Features on this site are not meant to showcase talented artists, because that would be quite a difficult choice. Though I do admit you would never know it if you only looked at the comments section of this site.
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PartyCrasher: @IffrytusMasakado: So just pick something nice so we don't get gross shit like fucking gross ass bert titts then. It's not that complicted! Fuck!
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PartyCrasher: @IffrytusMasakado: Because ya Know what I say to myself when I'm horny? Boy! I sure do love jerkin to Bert's fucking tits. FUCK YEAH! NOW THAT"S FUCKING HAWT! BURT"S OLD ASS SAGGY ASS WRINKLEY ASS OLD MAN TITS! THAT"S DEFENITLY WHAT GETS ME FUCKING ROCK HARD!
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PartyCrasher: @IffrytusMasakado: So what IS the features on this site for then? huh? Psychological warfare? Death news? Because it's certainly isn't for fucking jack off material, that's for sure.
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IffrytusMasakado: @PartyCrasher: Who the fuck is Bert? Bert of Bert and Ernie?
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PartyCrasher: @IffrytusMasakado: Yes you retarded fuck. Who the fuck do you think I'm talking about?
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PartyCrasher: @IffrytusMasakado: For someone who acts like they know so much you know so little.
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IffrytusMasakado: @PartyCrasher: Actually I was wondering if maybe you meant Bert Kreischer.
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PartyCrasher: No, I was talking about this fucking nightmare fuel of a feature. >>2897421
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Farfegnugen: Damn, I thought nobody liked Bert's tits. Going by none of the comments I read, I see I have to bring back Bert someday.
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Anonymous22: Well, that's the end of Brendan O'Brien. It was best actor of Crash video games anyone ever had.
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Anonymous23(22): Well, that's the end of Brendan O'Brien. he was best actor of Crash video games anyone ever had.
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Anonymous24(16): @Farfegnugen: and it will be 100% because of PartyCrasher! Thanks a lot PartyCrasher! That one is on you!
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lordpainis: VAMO MESSI
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Anonymous25: PartyCrasher has left the chat
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Anonymous26: lol why are straight people like this
i guess them getting sjws to whine over tits and take them out was pure karma in the end
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Anonymous27: man why yall doin crash like this
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Anonymous28: woah is all I have to say... in a woahing bad way
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Anonymous29: there’s no damn oneyplays comments and i am upset.
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Catchoftheday: well crap... that sucks. crash bandicoot was my childhood. im always finding out who dies on this site...
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Anonymous30: How da fuck does this shit always turn into a race war when a voice actor dies? lmao
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NynDeezNutz: @Anonymous: Because Potato.
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Anonymous31: @Anonymous: Newfag got caught by the filters, many such cases!
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bonerific: @Sharkjumper: Interbreeding is bad but intermixing isn't any better. Just look at the ugly dysgenic-looking mutts that have been created from interracial relationships. Black/White couple spawn low IQ mutts that look like the Amerimutt meme. Hispanic/White couples spawn mutts that look like hispanic. If they are lucky they may give birth to castizos, but those are rare cases. Alot of mixed beaners look like beaners. Asian/White couples spawn Elliot Rodgers mutts; all of which have now become the thing of memes. None of it is good. We have to keep the races pure. The reason why Noah & his family were saved from the Great Flood is because no one is his family intermixed with the space beings. The entire moral of the story of Noah & Arc is keep your lineage/bloodline pure, because without a race, you have no culture, no tradition, no beauty, no standards.

The only reason why racemixing is pushed by the (((elite))) is to drive out the competition. Ironically all the (((Jews))) are behind the racemixing propaganda & bringing in hordes of 3rd world foreigners flooding every white nation. The ultimate Jewish wet dream is mix every single race into a cultureless, identityless, tradition-less hybrid of mutts so they are easier to conquer & enslave. Because a race with no culture is easier to conquer than a race with a culture. They also want to weaponize those mutts against whites because Jews are full of loxism after getting BTFO over 109 times since the days when kings & emperors ruled over Europe & Asia. No one from both sides is benefiting from the current system except the (((Jewish Satanic ped0 elite))).
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bonerific: @Anonymous: The janny of the site started it. He just had to bring up Princess Diana's death, so I played along, spilled the beans on what really happened (not what the media said happened, cause they lie all the time), & then the comment section went into a downward spiral. Happens every time. Quite funny really. It takes zero effort to turn the comment section into horse manure.

I am the black gold of the sun
I am the white side of the sun
Follow the beat across the light
Father of the one
I am the black gold of the sun
Shadows that light up the day
Darkness shadow all the way
I am the black gold of the sun
I am the dark side of the sun
I am the light
I am the fire that brings around the sun
And set you free
To be who I wanna be
To go where I wanna go
To be
To feel
I am the black gold of the sun
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lazarus: @Farfegnugen: Why would he be remembered being gay?
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PartyCrasher: @Anonymous: Baconator Baconator Baconator Baconator
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Sharkjumper: @bonerific: Culture and traditions are things that evolve and change over time and can intermix with other cultures and traditions to create new ones. This starts out at the family level and is how all human cultures formed in the first place.

But that's not important right now. What I'm curious about are these "space beings" you mentioned. I haven't been to Sunday School since I was a kid, but I don't remember the story of Noah's Ark having aliens in it
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Raeb: @bonerific:
mutts are way hotter bruh

purebloods are kinda ugly tbh

take Aubrey Plaza for example. She's got a little of everything in her & she hot as FUCK
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Anonymous33(32): @Sharkjumper: Nobody wants and cares a superpower's "culture".
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Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: All cultures are like that though
Culture arises from people interacting with each other
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Anonymous34(32): @Sharkjumper: So nobody has real culture.
Whatever makes you sleep at night.
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Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: It's not like a nation is limited to having a single culture though, and the United States is no exception

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