soheifox: Actually nobody should be celebrating an arbitrary decision "not to defend" a law. That's a hideous subversion of how the US legal system is supposed to work and an awful precedent to set. The executive branch should not have the power to do that sort of thing.
It's used for good now, but it horribly throws off the delicate system of checks and balances. What if the next president decides not to defend the Americans with Disability act?
Knockers: Soheifox, except that the Disabilities Act is a very good thing that deals with an actual problem.
DOMA is a pointless piece of shit made by whiny Christians who think that allowing people who love each other and have the same gonads to marry will cause the apocalypse.
soheifox: Knockers: Congratulations on missing the entire point. Nowhere did I claim that ADA was bad or DOMA was good, but your illthought statement makes my point.
The system of checks and balances exists and MUST exist for a reason. There are ways to strike down the DOMA, this is not how you do it. It is, in all reality, an unconstitutional power grab. When Bush the first and Reagan tried it, they were rightly put in their place. Sneaky, trying it again using something no sane person would go on record as opposing.
Unintelligent people cheer it, not even trying to look at what it means in the long term. jsut because you like what the President's doing with it this time doesn't mean you'll like it next time. Every time it's allowed to happen, the precedent for it happening again unchallenged gains footing.
Tumor: Knockers, that's completely irrelevant to fox's point. And he/she is completely right. I find it a bit disgusting to see that actually happen. I'm glad that DOMA's accepted, finally, but seeing it done in such a way is outright foul, and, what's worse, I expect alot more of it in the future.
13bravoPV2: Im okay with gays. Havent met one in my military career but if you want to serve your country its cool. Next in line is allowing women in combat arm MOS.
hookedonlemons: Fuck yeah!
If a openly gay and compotent member of the armed forces wants to go to Afghanistan, in place a someone who I can send home for a few weeks of rest after their 3rd tour of duty; Then god bless America I would be more than happy to accomodate!
Cat_Bountry: DOMA was unconstitutional to begin with, soheifox. And if Obama were going to go about this the way Bush would have, he would have muscled in a way to completely repeal it anyhow, but since he's not Bush, this is pretty much the least he can do, since he can't repeal it just with his own power. It's precisely because of checks and balances that it's still law of the land.
But if you want to bitch about Obama trying to do something to further civil rights in this country, that's cool, I guess.
Krawczyk: pfah! If he really wanted to further civil rights he would crack down on all the monopolies and conglomerates that have been building and feeding off one another since Bush! The bankrolls behind those wacko movements comes from somewhere! And I doubt it's Dreamworks or Charter that's lining their pockets. At the very least, force businesses to disclose their 'charitable' donations to the public on the website or over fax.
13bravoPV2, that's a different problem, ya'll need to make sure that all branches are making both sexes pass the same damn tests so the brass doesn't have to lie their way out of it and create 'heroines' out of thin air. Too many civvies and military both knock the standards for women way down so they can hit quotas and ratios.
Anonymous11: Soheifox - Such things have been done before by other Presidents. To point to Obama as if he were the first (or would be the last) is folly. Also cocks.
Anonymous12: Since when is a president REQUIRED to defend a particular law in court? All it means that he won't be involved in lawsuits against it, including appeals. Just being president doesn't mean you are in favor of every law in the united states. A president certainly wouldn't be in favor of a law that was passed over his veto and wouldn't defend it. Not that this one falls in that category.
soheifox: Anon 10: And they were resoundly condemned for it, and both of the presidents I mentioned who did it had to rescind the power grab. What makes you think I didn't know he wasn't the first when I NAMED TWO PRESIDENTS WHO TRIED IT BEFORE?
Cay Bountry: Let's make this crystal clear. Does not matter. There are ways to get it dealt with. This underhanded power grab is less constitutional than the DOMA was in the first place.
Anon 11: the President has nothing at all to do with what laws are defended in court. He has no say in it. At all. None. Whatsoever. The point of veto is past. It is over. It passed. It exists. He can't reach out and try to undo what's already done. There are ways to do so constitutionally, this is not one of them. My point is he is not allowed to tell other branches of government what to do like that; yet idiots like you are cheering for this.
Anonymous15: I, for one, am glad.
If the military is full of fags, then killing them when they try to lay down martial law will be all the easier. My job as a freedom fighter JUST GOT EASIER.
Anonymous19(17): ITT Chubby basement dwellers and Taco Bell employees proclaim themselves stronger than graduates of basic training because of who they'd prefer to put their penis in (though they never have and never will).
Also to Soheifox's point- The president said he'd no long defend it. The caveat is that it will still be enforced in courts =(
He just doesn't want his administration defending the law as a good thing or necessary anymore. In court the government still has to enforce it because its the law they just can't enforce it under the banner of "saving" anything.
Really, its a good thing...but also a bit of a bamboozle.
13bravoPV2: krawczyk: I understand what you mean. I dont have contact with military females in my battery (the equivalent of a company in the field artillery) but Ive heard stories. Its the same with outshape men drillsergeants pass guys that fail the APFT so that the CO wont take the heat for having too many people failing it. My point is if you want to serve your country by actual fighting and you have the muscle to back it up you should be able to regardless of gender.
Lochcelious: Krawczyk, I completely agree with your Same Sex, Same Treatment statement. As for the 'if Obama really wanted' statement, I agree with the charitable donations transactions being made public. However, no matter if we had Bush, Obama, Clinton, or Glaffyxdorphia-Man, there will always be near half the people that do not like them. Kind of sad, I know but that's life I suppose.
Krawczyk: It feels pretty daaaaaamn good. It's just monstrously enragifying because the younger crowd are so useless and hooked on meth n shit. We need to butt our heads together and create a new official youth organization!
Ratraccoon: I don't care if the don't ask don't tell policy is no longer around. It was such a funny name that I think it will still be used as a joke about gay soldiers.
Knockers: Amazing how much trolls whine about the gay pics when furry and Porkyman pics outnumber them 5 to 1. Logically this proves that most Pahealers are furries trying to divert attention from themselves and their far more disgusting lifestyle.
Anonymous44: Would love to see DIFFERENT sites for the cocksucking folks out there, the furfags, and the coveted pedophiles that say "a drawing is not crime" and leave the rest of the site for the normal people that pukes at their bullshit.
And fucking forbid guro and scat once and for all for goodness sake.
Knockers: ^Yeah, segregation and discrimination always works swimmingly. Do you also want a separate site for the lesbian 34? If you're gonna separate one thing you gotta separate them all, otherwise you might look hypocritical.
Knockers: "who likes one likes the other 'coz fags are pedos"
And I'm sure that you can be trusted, seeing as you seem to be an expert on homosexuals and pedophiles. Also amusing how you rank gay below furry, considering gays still keep it in their own species.
Anonymous46: If any man or woman wishes to fight to protect our way of life they should be able to regardless of their race, religion or sexual preference.
Witchan: @Anon36: That could be true, but some of them are obviously self-hating homosexuals who tries to make themselves look cool by bashing homosexuality. You can really tell (in case they're bashing gay people non-stop).
Carrot: Personally, my feeling is that if someone's out there putting themselves on the line to protect you, and especially if that same someone can put a bullet through your head, they deserve some respect regardless of what goes on in bed.
Anonymous50: Anon43, do you honestly believe you're a good person? Do you believe what you just said was morally correct? What's more important than letting people live the happy lives they want? I get fed up with the stereotypical gay guy who goes about letting his sexual preference describe him and screams it out to the world but that is nothing but a label. Stop being so ignorant and get that boot out of your ass...
Anonymous51(50): You guys should be thankful; When I get close to busting my load I have to look up pictures of nasty open wounds between a woman's legs (also known as vagina) to keep my sessions going.
BTW Titanium, if you happen to be reading this, how are things going regarding the virus situation? I'm taking the chance without NoScript at the moment, hope I'll be fine
Witchan: And by the way Anon43, I never thought there would be more autistic idiots such as yourself since your so-called scale fails and besides, most categories are all the same and I bet you'd feel butthurted if you see your favorite categories along with other categories you hate in a single pic.
Fighterazza: This is a... Weird picture if you ask me.
Also I have a request. If any artists are Reading this could you please make a 34'd version of Elise from Fable III
We need some stuff on her tits and pussy ;')
Anonymous58: HbA of course homosexuals are gay.
Water is wet.
Chuck Norri's beard contains another fist.
Uranium causes cancer.
Thank you captain obvious.
To me:
M/F- good
F/F- good
M/M- good
M/trans- good
F/trans- good
trap/reversetrap- brb need cold shower
Knockers: Anon58, you don't like it, there's always Gelbooru and Danbooru. Or make your own Rule 34 site that caters specifically to your personal tastes.
Anonymous62: Wah there's gay people Wah it's weird to me Wah I'm paranoid because I'm ignorant of human and animal nature so I'm going to attempt to make sense of it with conspiracy theories instead of maybe doing research and putting my religious brainwashing away Wah it's totally not hypocritical to hate gay people and claim to be religious Wah it's easier for me to attack and scapegoat gays than to face the negative realities of heterosexuality and my own human condition Wah I don't want to share my rights with gays because I think I'm better than them Wah as long as I keep a good level of hatred against the gays maybe I'll never have to deal issues that seem to me to be synonymous with gayness like HIV, having gay people in my family or inner circle or being ostracized Wah why isn't anyone listening to my totally sensible complaints Wah why do people say mean things about me when I insult the dirty faggots? IT HURTS MY FEEWINGS Wah Wah Wah
Anonymous63: Anonymous14: Paranoid homophobe, Anonymous17: ignorant homophobe, possible misogynist, Anonymous20: religious sheep homophobe, Anonymous26: homophobe, possible closet case, TheKommissar: possible closet case, observation: hitler had youth organization as well, Anonymous31: 80 year old closet case, Anonymous42: oblongs porn normal? Possible troll, Anonymous54: result of inbreeding, Anonymous58: Should stick to wanking instead of talking about how site should be run.
Going on straight images complaining about straight people just as dim as this.
Anonymous70(69): @TheKommissar: What is a boner killer to you is perfect to other people. I wouldn't want any of your disgusting straight porn here anyway. A pic with a girl in it? Delete that shit right now, what kind of sub human pervert looks at that oh god
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Never before has such a picture left me so speechless.
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A feature is in order, maggots.
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track, baby
I was Born This Way!
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Partially in celebration of Massachusetts, Illinois, and Hawaii, as well as Obama not defending DOMA.
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Now Shemales like Kathy Griffin can finally join the military.
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Worst feature ever.
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It's used for good now, but it horribly throws off the delicate system of checks and balances. What if the next president decides not to defend the Americans with Disability act?
This is NOT how this should be done.
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DOMA is a pointless piece of shit made by whiny Christians who think that allowing people who love each other and have the same gonads to marry will cause the apocalypse.
The system of checks and balances exists and MUST exist for a reason. There are ways to strike down the DOMA, this is not how you do it. It is, in all reality, an unconstitutional power grab. When Bush the first and Reagan tried it, they were rightly put in their place. Sneaky, trying it again using something no sane person would go on record as opposing.
Unintelligent people cheer it, not even trying to look at what it means in the long term. jsut because you like what the President's doing with it this time doesn't mean you'll like it next time. Every time it's allowed to happen, the precedent for it happening again unchallenged gains footing.
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This is sweet, and all, but utterly saddening.
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If a openly gay and compotent member of the armed forces wants to go to Afghanistan, in place a someone who I can send home for a few weeks of rest after their 3rd tour of duty; Then god bless America I would be more than happy to accomodate!
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But if you want to bitch about Obama trying to do something to further civil rights in this country, that's cool, I guess.
- Reply
13bravoPV2, that's a different problem, ya'll need to make sure that all branches are making both sexes pass the same damn tests so the brass doesn't have to lie their way out of it and create 'heroines' out of thin air. Too many civvies and military both knock the standards for women way down so they can hit quotas and ratios.
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And make believe with you
And live in harmony,
harmony oh love (you, Titanium~)
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Cay Bountry: Let's make this crystal clear. Does not matter. There are ways to get it dealt with. This underhanded power grab is less constitutional than the DOMA was in the first place.
Anon 11: the President has nothing at all to do with what laws are defended in court. He has no say in it. At all. None. Whatsoever. The point of veto is past. It is over. It passed. It exists. He can't reach out and try to undo what's already done. There are ways to do so constitutionally, this is not one of them. My point is he is not allowed to tell other branches of government what to do like that; yet idiots like you are cheering for this.
If the military is full of fags, then killing them when they try to lay down martial law will be all the easier. My job as a freedom fighter JUST GOT EASIER.
- Reply
Also to Soheifox's point- The president said he'd no long defend it. The caveat is that it will still be enforced in courts =(
He just doesn't want his administration defending the law as a good thing or necessary anymore. In court the government still has to enforce it because its the law they just can't enforce it under the banner of "saving" anything.
Really, its a good thing...but also a bit of a bamboozle.
I lol'd
we got the point that moders & admins here are flaming faggots
by pushing your faggotry way its ain't gonna change the fact that I CAN'T cum to two male cartoon characters butt sexing each other!
faggotry is a boner killer,
and im surprised that if sodomius likes cocks so much why didnt he show gaga's one
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WWII vets are spinning in their graves...
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'saving' europe fucked over the world
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But respect for this good work.
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And fucking forbid guro and scat once and for all for goodness sake.
The scale goes like this:
-Humans (Straight stuff or Yuri)
-Sub humans#1 (Straight Shota)
-Sub humans#2 (Furfags)
-Inhuman Aberration#1 (lolicon)
-Inhuman Aberration#2 (Gay shota and non vagina related gay stuff, at the end of the day who likes one likes the other 'coz fags are pedos)
-Inhuman Aberration#3 (scat and guro)
And I'm sure that you can be trusted, seeing as you seem to be an expert on homosexuals and pedophiles. Also amusing how you rank gay below furry, considering gays still keep it in their own species.
Just thought I'd put my two cents in.
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M/M = Bad
F/F = Good
Thank you for making me laugh.
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to be honest, i can tolerate gay people, but i don't want them near in my anus.
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BTW Titanium, if you happen to be reading this, how are things going regarding the virus situation? I'm taking the chance without NoScript at the moment, hope I'll be fine
- Reply
Also I have a request. If any artists are Reading this could you please make a 34'd version of Elise from Fable III
We need some stuff on her tits and pussy ;')
Water is wet.
Chuck Norri's beard contains another fist.
Uranium causes cancer.
Thank you captain obvious.
To me:
M/F- good
F/F- good
M/M- good
M/trans- good
F/trans- good
trap/reversetrap- brb need cold shower
- Reply
- Reply
Going on straight images complaining about straight people just as dim as this.